Hair Dye Disaster

oops, my bad 😂 or was it? Sis left her hair dye out, told me a thousand times dont touch. what did i do? switched the labels on 'em. She wanted cherry red, ended up midnight blue. Can't wait to see the look on her face when her towel isn't the only thing turning blue! #PrankKing

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by UnholyMischief


While everyone's laughing now, remember it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt... or stained. She could've had a serious skin reaction! Hair dye's no joke, kiddo. Pranks are cool when they're harmless. This? IDK man.

1 year, 3 months ago by Karen_on_duty


The anticipation is killing me. It's like waiting for the season finale of a show omg!!! 😆 Gotta see how this plays out.

1 year, 3 months ago by JustForTheLulz


Man, your sis must trust you a lot to leave her stuff around, and you broke that trust for a prank. Just saying, if you were my brother, I'd be cooking up a prank so diabolical you'd wish you were never named #PrankKing 😈

1 year, 3 months ago by OlderSisRevenge


Who needs enemies when they have a sibling like you? 😂😂 Don't slip on the soap when your prank karma comes back to bite you!

1 year, 3 months ago by Trollolol_9000


As someone who's had their fair share of hair disasters, prepare for WORLD WAR 3 at home, buddy. But I'm secretly hoping she rocks that midnight blue like a queen. If she does, you owe her for giving her the coolest hair color by accident!

1 year, 3 months ago by bluehaired_beauty


Bro, you're climbing the ranks of pranking. But let me give you some pro tips. If you're gonna meddle with beauty products, go all in. Lather some shocking pink in the conditioner for a real vivid surprise next shower! Keep up the mischief, #PrankKing.

1 year, 3 months ago by TricksterLegend


Okay, I gotta admit, I chuckled a bit. But isn't switching stuff like hair dye kind of risky? 😅 She could have had an allergic reaction or something. Just be careful with pranks that involve personal care products, ya know?

1 year, 3 months ago by GlitterBombXOXO


LMAO that's epic my dude! Midnight blue might actually look bomb on her. Waiting for the update when she sees it 😂 #PrankKing reigning supreme

1 year, 3 months ago by mischief_boi87