Check this, I pulled off the slickest move in my history exam. For weeks, I doodled fake articles on parchment paper, making them look centuries old. Stashed 'em in the textbook pages at the library. Classmates 'found' them, studied them, got all the dates wrong. I, of course, studied properly. Teacher couldn't figure out why half the class failed. Y'all remember, work smarter, not harder. 😈
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Evil_overachiever
While I get the urge to one-up the system, your approach is flawed ethically. The point of school is to learn and help others do the same. It's not just about grades; it's about growth. Plus, it could hurt your rep if anyone ever finds out it was you. Maybe use that creativity for some group study sessions instead?
Honestly, not cool. This might be 'work smarter, not harder' but at the expense of others' grades. It's one thing to ace a test yourself, completely another to sabotage classmates. Not to mention academic integrity is a thing. Might wanna rethink your tactics next time.