My kid's sense of humor is...intense. For the school play, he suggested a 'haunted theatre' theme with actual ghost stories from the history books. Think Marie Antoinette minus her head kind of vibes. Teachers were NOT amused. Is this clever or concerning for a 9 y/o?
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by silent_observer123
Your kid would get along with my nephew. Doesn't shy away from the dark stuff and always pushes the envelope. Clever kid, but I get why the teachers aren’t standing ovations. Maybe compromise and find a classic ghost story that’s a bit lighter? Keep us posted!
Theatrically speaking, your kid's got the shock factor down. Theatre's supposed to evoke emotions, right? Not sure headless historical figures is right for school though. Maybe save the beheadings for Halloween and go for 'spooky' not 'terrifying' for the play.
As a 5th grade teacher, I've seen my share of intense imagination in kids. They often outgrow the 'shock value' phase. As long as he's not too fixated, and his daily life is balanced, it's probably just a phase. Keep fostering his creativity, with maybe a few boundaries for school-appropriate themes.
Honestly, it sounds like your kiddo might just be a history buff in the making! These 'chilling' ideas are nothing more than real events, just spookier. I'd encourage it with proper guidance—maybe introduce less intense periods of history too?
Kids are like sponges with the stuff they see on TV and online these days. Props to your kid for creativity, though! Marie Antoinette is a classic, albeit gruesome. Maybe tone it down for the school play? Keep an eye on his media diet maybe?