Evil Genius Baby Bro

My baby bro's first word was 'no', but now at the terrible twos, he's developed a love for disassembling EVERYTHING. Phones, remotes, my laptop... I swear he's plotting to dismantle the whole house. Is this the origin story of a villain mastermind? Time will tell...

Submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by dolittledemon


For real, watch out for him swallowing bits 'n' bobs. And maybe get a toolbox lock. One minute it's taking apart phones, next thing you know, it's the toaster and you're having cold Pop-Tarts.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by ToddlerTruther


He's definitely starting an evil empire, one Lego at a time. Protect your shoelaces and power cords, they're next on his hit list 😆

10 months, 2 weeks ago by EvilOverlord


Dude, don't even joke. My kiddo went through that phase and I am STILL finding pieces of my wife's old tablet. It's like they have this sixth sense for stuff we wanna keep in one piece. RIP to all electronics...

10 months, 2 weeks ago by NaptimeNemesis


Your lil bro is the next Elon Musk in the making, just wait till he starts asking for your car keys to take the engine apart. if i were u, I'd start 'misplacing' my electronics if u catch my drift

10 months, 2 weeks ago by ElectronEddy


omg this is too funny, but also kinda terrifying? I thought my baby girl was a handful but she hasn't started deconstructing the furniture yet 😨 stay strong lol

10 months, 2 weeks ago by baby_mama_drama


Pro-tip: Get him his own set of toy tools and junk to take apart. Best way to channel that chaotic energy. Also, start hiding your important stuff cause if he’s like any junior inventor I’ve seen, he’s only gonna get craftier with age.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by Wrench_Wrangler


Not gonna lie, your bro might be part of an advanced baby intelligence network. Has he been around any suspicious-looking teddy bears? Keep an eye out for baby spies!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by DiabolicalDiapers


Lol, sounds like your bro is on a mission to reverse engineer the house. Say goodbye to any screws and bolts lying around 😂 But for real, keep an eye on anything small he could choke on. Safety first!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by GadgetGoner