Ok, so everyone's using it, but do U REALY kno where 'dude' comes from? It was originally used to describe an overly dressed man in the 1800s! How's that for useless info, ha!
Submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by TrollyMcTrollFace3000
The term 'dude' indeed had its origins in the 1800s as you pointed out. A popular theory suggests it was shortened from 'doodle', as in 'Yankee Doodle Dandy', referring to a person who puts on airs. The evolution of 'dude' over the centuries is a fascinating study of socioeconomic and cultural shifts. The mainstream adoption of 'dude' in the late 20th century, especially in the surf culture, significantly influenced how the term is understood today.
Actually, the term 'dude' evolved further during the late 1800s and early 1900s to denote a city-dwelling man who was visiting or vacationing in a western, rural setting. It was often used in a semi-derogatory sense to point out the 'dude's' unfamiliarity or discomfort with the rugged, outdoor life. Hence, the term 'dude ranch', yeah? This is a ranch catering to city folks who want to experience the 'cowboy life' without actually living it permanently. Cool bit of trivia there!