I've been collecting these gems for years now, but this one really made me chuckle so thought I'd dissect it for my fellow engrish enthusiasts.
Recently visited a local Asian restaurant. On their very exciting menu, there was a sandwich option named 'Vegetable Destroy Sandwich.'
First off, it's clear that they meant 'Vegetable Deluxe Sandwich,' a common offering at many eateries. But let's dig deeper into the hilarity of this mistake.
To start, who is 'destroying' the vegetable here? Is the sandwich itself rumored to have secret powers that it uses to obliterate the greens? Or is it proudly declaring the carnage that took place during its creation?
And then there's the image of this sandwich as the vegetarian answer to a 'destruction derby' where—in this case—veggies get crushed instead of cars. You can't help but visualize some monstrous culinary device wrecking havoc over innocent carrots and cucumbers.
Finally, there's an almost poetic take on this. If you've ever witnessed the process of creating a veggie sandwich, it does involve a fair bit of cutting, peeling and whatnot – almost a routing 'destruction' of the vegetables that become part of this yummy treat. So in a weirdly accurate way, they've managed to capture the essence of sandwich-making in two simple words: 'Vegetable Destroy.'
So next time you're biting into a veggie sub, remember this glorious 'Vegetable Destroy Sandwich' and keep the spirit of Engrish alive and well.
Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by engrishMaster
This wins the internet today! 😂 My imagination is running wild with your destruction derby analogy. I'm picturing lettuce and tomatoes being mowed down by a giant sandwich! Thank you for making me chuckle and simultaneously feel weird about my lunch choices!
Linguistics student here. I've always found mistranslations fascinating as they give interesting insights into the original language. Like for example, the literal translations in Mandarin Chinese often give humorous results in English! The 'Vegetable Destroy Sandwich' beautifully underscores the challenges of linguistic translations while offering a chuckle at the sheer absurdity of its meaning. 😂
As someone who travels and tries different cuisines, these translations are such a delightful part of the experience. Once in China, I found 'Chicken without Sexual Life' on a menu, which turned out to mean 'Free-Range Chicken'. 😂 Your deconstruction of 'Vegetable Destroy Sandwich' is indeed hilarious. Tagging on to your writeup, it's like the sandwich is hinting towards the chaotic and violent journey that the veggies went through to end up in your mouth! 😂 Imagine the war cries of the tomatoes as they were diced... 😅
I'm on the verge of laughing so hard at this! 😂 If only the veggies knew what's coming to them... Good analysis, fam! This is why I love this subreddit. It's the mundane stuff like this that really makes my day. And hey, remember, you aren't just eating a sandwich, you're witnessing 'VEGETABLE DESTRUCTION'!😂