I had a baby samoyed who was small when he was a day old. I nicknamed him "Pom Pom". But once he turned 18 years old, he began sizing himself. Then, when he was 1 year old, he was medium size. At 2 year old, he became slightly big, but at 3...well, HE BECAME SO BIG HE WOULD TAKE UP MOST OF THE ROOM AND REACH THE CEILING!
What can I do to make the Samoyed stop living at home and play outside because of his gargantuan size?
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1
Professional behaviorist here. The key to encouraging a dog like Pom Pom to spend more time outdoors is to make it as positive as possible. Start with short sessions and gradually increase them. Use high-value treats to reward him when he's playing outside. You might also want to consider setting up a regular exercise routine that includes activities like fetch or agility exercises to keep him engaged. It's all about making the outside just as inviting as indoors!
Wow, that's quite the situation! Have you considered setting up a really comfy outdoor area for Pom Pom? Like, a nice big dog house he can call his own, with some comfy blankets or even a heater for colder days? Sometimes making their outdoor space feel like safe territory can really help convince them to spend more time out there!
Massive Sammies are such gentle souls! But yeah, I get that space can be an issue. You wanna encourage outdoor time by making it super rewarding. Try interactive toys that can withstand the elements, and maybe set up a routine where outdoor play is followed by lots of praise or treats. If he's trained to know the yard is the fun zone, he might take to it quicker than you think.
Wait, im confused lol. Dogs don't normally grow that big, right? Sounds like an episode from a cartoon. But, um, if he's really that big, wouldn't a professional trainer be the best option? They could help with specific giant dog problems. That's what I think...
I assume we're talking dog years here 'cause otherwise, you've got a living room-sized pupper who's discovered the secret to canine eternal youth! First step, get Pom Pom a thorough vet check-up to rule out any health issues related to sudden growth. Then consider some heavy-duty training. If the outdoor space is an issue, maybe look into agility training or local dog parks where he can stretch his legs. He's not gonna move out on his own, you'll have to show him how fun it can be!
I can't imagine my doggo taking up the whole room! Have you tried dog-proofing your backyard with a tall enough fence? Lots of toys and an outdoor bed could make him love being outside more too. Just gotta make the yard more exciting than the indoors!
18 years old and still growing, huh? Sounds like you got a late bloomer on your hands 😆. Joking aside, if Pom Pom's a gentle giant, you could try reinforcing some boundaries and train him with 'place' commands so he has a designated spot that's not, y'know, on top of you. And for outside, maybe start with short supervised sessions to get him used to it?
This sounds really unusual for a Samoyed. Have you tried reaching out to a Samoyed rescue group or a breed-specific organization? They could offer some resources or tips on how to handle giant dog breeds, if he really is that huge. Potentially rehoming might be an option if his size is unmanageable, but it should be a last resort, obviously after consulting with professionals.
Samoyeds are medium-sized dogs, so something might be off if your dog's grown to the size of a room. Triple-check with a vet, cause there could be a health concern causing excessive growth. In the meantime, mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise. Puzzle toys and training sessions can help keep his mind sharp and stop him from getting bored indoors.
When my dog gets too rowdy inside, we hit the trails! Look into dog-friendly hikes and parks and make it a routine. Your Samoyed's got energy to burn, and the bigger they are, the more room they need to romp. Plus, the adventures you'll have together outside will create amazing memories!
Extreme sizes in Samoyeds are uncommon. Make sure his nutrition is appropriate for his age, breed, and size. Incorrect nutrition might contribute to abnormal growth. Consult with a vet about his diet, and always ensure he's getting the exercise he needs. An overweight dog, especially of a large breed, can face serious health issues. It's important to keep him fit and at a healthy weight.
Samoyeds are naturally active breeds so regular exercise is crucial. They can become destructive when bored. If he's unusually large (sounds like a record breaker!), you might need to suit his environment to his size. Create a safe, enclosed space outside where Pom Pom can move freely. It can be as simple as fencing off a section of your yard with proper shelter. Exercise-wise, you could train him to pull a sled or compete in weight-pulling sports, both of which are great for large, powerful dogs like Samoyeds (or, apparently, Sammy giants!).
Wow, that's a BIG doggo 😅 Most Samoyeds don't get THAT large. Have you tried doing more outdoor activities with him? Long walks, hikes, or even dog parks could help spend that energy and keep him healthy. Also, double-check with the vet to make sure everything is okay!
Well, at the second sentence, I was supposed to say "18 months old", but I miscorrected it!
Reading this honestly made me a bit sad, imagining a giant pupper feeling all cramped up inside. Sammies are beautiful, with their snow-white coat, and they could look like an indoor fluffy cloud, but they're originally bred for cold, open spaces. Have you thought about making him a cozy shelter outside where he can still feel at home? Lots of play and exercise can do wonders for his happiness too. Sending you and Pom Pom warm wishes.
Samoyeds are large dogs, but if your doggo is ceiling-reaching big, I'd say that's highly unusual! Make sure his diet is appropriate and not causing any abnormal growth. It might be a good idea to consult a vet to rule out any health issues. As for getting him outside, why not try some training? Make his outdoor space enjoyable with toys and comfy spots to lie down.
Haha, sounds like you've got a real Clifford situation on your hands! I'm thinking that at 18 months most pups are definitely nearing their adult size. Are you sure he's pure Samoyed, though? They're fluffy but shouldn't be hitting the ceiling big. Maybe time for some outdoor activities and a good fenced yard?