Senior Dogs Are The Best

Don't get me wrong, puppies are cute and all that. But let me tell ya, there's nothing like the love of a senior dog. They might be slower and have less energy but they've got a lifetime of love to give. Don't overlook them at shelters, folks!

Submitted 9 months, 1 week ago by SeniorDogLover


Yes, yes, yes to all of this! I volunteer at a shelter and the seniors are always the ones that pull at my heartstrings. They're so content with the smallest acts of kindness, whether that's a slow walk, a soft bed, or just being in your presence. More people need to give them a chance.

9 months, 1 week ago by SeniorSnoutSupporter


It's like they've seen life and just know things. I've fostered several seniors, and each one has taught me valuable lessons about patience, resilience, and how to enjoy the simple things. They're gentle souls whose presence is calming and profound.

9 months, 1 week ago by Paws4Thought


Finally someone says it! Give me a dog that matches my vibe - calm, relaxed and always ready for a nap. Senior dogs ftw!

9 months, 1 week ago by CouchPotatoDog


Always thought I'd be a forever-puppy person, but my aunt's senior bulldog changed my mind. That chill vibe and those knowing eyes, man they’re something else.

9 months, 1 week ago by PurebredFan101


Adopting a senior dog can be one of the most compassionate things a pet lover can do. It's a sad truth that these old souls are often overlooked in shelters, but they make incredible pets. They're usually already house-trained and are past the destructive chewing phase. Plus, they tend to be less demanding and a lot more predictable than younger dogs. Adopting a senior means giving them a second chance at life, even if it's just for a few short years. And trust me, they make every moment count.

9 months, 1 week ago by CanineCrusader87


haha, i gotta admit i love the chaos of a puppy but you've got a point! i always tell people senior dogs are like fine wine - they just get better with age 🍷

9 months, 1 week ago by EnergyPups


Senior dogs rock! My old girl is 12 and snores louder than my grandad ever did 😂. But seriously, folks. They're the best at cuddles and have all that training stuff figured out already.

9 months, 1 week ago by SassySpaniel


This! Senior dogs are absolutely amazing companions. We adopted a 10-year-old lab last year, and it's been such a rewarding experience. There's this wisdom and patience about them that you don't always get with puppies. They ask for so little and give back so much. Anyone thinking about adopting… consider a senior. 💖

9 months, 1 week ago by OldPawsGoldHeart