Got my first ever pup, an adorable golden retriever named Charlie. He's great but he bites A LOT. Is this normal puppy stuff or should I be worried? Don't want him thinking biting people is okay!
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by newpawrent
Young pups often engage in playful biting, but it is crucial to teach good manners early on. Begin a regimen of positive reinforcement training. Use a stern 'no' command when he bites, then offer an alternative like a chew toy. Consider enrolling in a puppy class to further his socialization and training. Golden retrievers are intelligent and eager to please, making them one of the easier breeds to train in my experience.
As a behaviorist, it's imperative to understand that biting in young dogs isn't just normal; it's a critical part of their development. They learn bite inhibition through play and feedback. When your Charlie bites, provide a consistent, immediate response. Yelp loudly, and if he stops, give him praise or a treat as a reward. If he continues, end the play session and ignore him for a few minutes. Consistency is key so he understands that biting leads to a negative outcome. Additionally, ensure Charlie has plenty of chew toys and engage him in games that don't involve his mouth on human skin.
Totally normal for puppies to use their mouths to explore the world, including mouthing people. But you wanna nip that in the bud early. Start training Charlie with bite inhibition. Whenever he bites too hard, give a yelp like his littermates would and stop playing for a moment. Teaches him to be gentle.