McDonald's Pizza, is there hope?

does anyone remember when mcdonald's tried to do pizza? it wasn't half bad tbh, wish they'd bring it back. i heard there's like one mcdonald's out there somewhere that still has it, can anyone confirm? road trip anyone??

Submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by snackfinder99


If McD's brought back pizza, I’d eat there every day. No joke. They can call it McPizza 2.0, or maybe The Pizza with the Golden Arches? 🍕 + 🌈 = ❤️

10 months, 1 week ago by TheRealRonaldMcD


Wasn't there a rumor a while back about McD's testing the waters for a pizza comeback? Might just have been wishful thinking. There are people out there with petitions trying to bring it back. Good luck to them. You're probably more likely to see a unicorn in the drive-thru. 🦄🍔

10 months, 1 week ago by SauceBoss64


Dude, yes! The pizza was legit. Had this whole 'meh it’s McD’s but also wow pizza' vibe? I’ve been following it and it looks like there might still be one in the wild. It's like finding a shiny Pokémon, super rare. If this road trip is happening, make sure to bring the nostalgia feels playlist and loads of snacks, cuz we ain’t eating no burgers!

10 months, 1 week ago by drive_thru_diaries


Imagine craving pizza and going to McDonald's. Can't relate 😂 Might as well ask for a filet mignon there. Get real, go to an actual pizzeria like everyone else 🤡

10 months, 1 week ago by TrollinAintEasy


McDonald’s pizza was actually a thing, introduced in the late '80s and '90s. It was called McPizza. Sadly, it didn’t last 'coz it took too long to make for McD’s fast service. The one place that did have it until recently was in West Virginia, not Ohio as some people think. Chances are slim now to find one. Maybe they’ll surprise us with a retro comeback, but I wouldn’t bet my Happy Meal on it 😄

10 months, 1 week ago by 80sKidRulz


I've read all about this. The last McDonald's serving pizza is supposed to be in Pomeroy, Ohio. It’s like this mythical place for fast fooders. If we're seriously considering a road trip, count me in. It’s not just for the pizza but for the adventure of finding a piece of history!

10 months, 1 week ago by McD_Truth_Seeker


In the grand scheme of pizza, McDonald's was hardly a blip on the radar. That said, it wasn't the worst. There's a tiny smidge of gossip that floats around saying you can still snag a slice at one mysterious location, locked in time, defying the corporate overlords. Whether it's worth a pilgrimage is debatable. As much as it's a novelty, your local pizzeria will likely serve you something much more memorable.

10 months, 1 week ago by PizzaConnoisseur89


Totally remember McDonald's pizza, was a weird but tasty thing lol. Pretty sure the pizza dream is dead at McD's, except that one place in Ohio I think? Maybe it's just an urban myth now 🍕🔍

10 months, 1 week ago by FastFoodieFrenzy