Crystal Pepsi and the clarity of the '90s

There was something about the clarity of Crystal Pepsi that mirrored the '90s for me. It was a clear soda that tasted like cola, and man, did it feel like the future. Remember those ads with Van Halen's 'Right Now'? Pepsi took it off the markets in the '90s, brought it back for a hot minute later on, but now it's just a ghost. Just feels like yesterday I saw that clear bottle for the first time.

Submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by sodasipper1990


Crystal Pepsi is to drinks what Blockbuster is to movies. A total head-trip down memory lane. It's like those clear Game Boy Pockets that showed all the guts; we just loved peeking into the future. 'Right Now', still gives me chills. Virtually tasting the 90s with every sip!

10 months, 1 week ago by VHSandVinyl


My kids never got to try it, but I remember telling them about how cool it was to have a clear soda. They were so fascinated! It kinda makes you think about how simple pleasures back then could really make our day. I'm all for bringing it back, even if it's just so the next generation can see what the fuss is about. It'd be like sharing a piece of our childhood with them.

10 months, 1 week ago by SuburbanMom101


Think about it, friends – why would they discontinue something SO popular? It's gotta be more than just 'sales weren’t good enough'. I'm thinking there was a flavor revolution they just couldn’t handle. Big Cola saw Crystal Pepsi and freaked out!

10 months, 1 week ago by ThisIsNotMyRealName


Oh man, the nostalgia is real! Crystal Pepsi always gets me thinking about those arcade days, feeling like you could just about touch the future. Sippin’ on that crystal goodness, playing Street Fighter II. Serious question: why aren’t we crowdfunding to bring this back?! Can you imagine the hype? Take my money already!

10 months, 1 week ago by RetroGamerz


Guys, I heard if you drink a Crystal Pepsi you bought in the 90s now, you'll get superpowers. Or maybe that's just diabetes, idk.

10 months, 1 week ago by TrollMaster5000


LOL, 'the future' was short-lived, wasn't it? Kinda like our dreams back then. Crystal Pepsi was cool but let's be honest, it was a gimmick at best. I bet half the peeps drinking it couldn't really tell it apart from regular Pepsi with their eyes closed.

10 months, 1 week ago by CaffeineAddict93


I remember being fascinated by the concept of a clear cola. It was a clever marketing strategy - associating the product with a feeling of modernity and transparency. To understand why it ultimately failed, one must look at the psychology of consumer expectations. Cola is traditionally dark and this cognitive dissonance between the expected and the actual experience may have contributed to its downfall. However, it remains a cult classic for those who remember it fondly, much like many other products from the '90s. The limited release editions have become collectible items, often fetching high prices online.

10 months, 1 week ago by beverageconnoisseur


Dude, Crystal Pepsi was the BOMB. Was all about that clear stuff, sittin’ back and feeling like we were living in a sci-fi movie 😂 They don’t make 'em like they used to, ads, sodas, none of it. BRB gonna find a 'Right Now' ringtone.

10 months, 1 week ago by 90sKidRetro