This was an "ugly candy bar", one of the 70s ads proclaimed. The candy bar was discontinued sometime in 1988, when Peter Paul was bought out by Hershey's. The candy bar was made from covering almonds with chocolate. And that's the point of this chocolate. It was the 20th century.
Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Whopper1
The Almond Cluster was a product of its time, emblematic of the unabashed indulgence in rich, textured treats of that era. The 'ugly' aesthetic was a stroke of marketing genius; by setting expectations at 'imperfect', each bite was a pleasant surprise of crunchy almonds and creamy chocolate. They're missed, and represent a broader trend of confectionery simplicity that's lost in today's market where complexity and novel flavors often dominate the shelf.
Actually, while Hershey's did acquire Peter Paul, the Almond Cluster wasn't initially discontinued post-buyout. There was a short period where it seemed like they might keep it around. It was more likely the changing market trends and competition from other almond bars that led to its eventual phase-out. Hershey's had its reasons but it was a sad day for sure.
They say chocolate was better back then, dunno if its rose-tinted glasses or stuff really was higher quality 'fore all the preservatives n junk. Either way, probly wouldn't say no to trying an Almond Cluster if they brought em back. Who doesn't like more chocolate options, eh?
Ah, the Almond Cluster, a true classic! What made it stand apart was the ratio of nuts to chocolate, it wasn't just any old chocolate covered almonds, there was an art to the clusters. Today's candies are too sleek, too perfect. Those 'ugly' bars had personality, each one unique, you could taste the care put into them. It's a shame that big buyouts like Hershey's absorb these smaller brands and discontinue their legacies.