Obscure Mars products

  1. Marathon - Not the one that got rebranded into Snickers. This one was an eight meter long braided caramel bar. That lasted "a good long time". It's a shame that they discontinued it in 1981.
  2. Snik Snak - Tried to compete with KitKat. Sadly, they were discontinued, and gone forever.
  3. Summit - This combo of peanut and wafer was covered in, you know. Chocolate.
  4. Marsettes - Competed with Rolo. And had numerous flavor varieties.
  5. Galaxy Truffles - The ones in Celebrations were even better. Shame that they removed it.
  6. Sprint - Like Snik Snaks and KitKats. Strangely, they had the M&M's logo despite them being made by Mars.

Submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by Whopper1


Sprint with the M&M's logo was prolly just Mars tryna create brand confusion cuz they knew they couldn't win the snack game fair and square 😂 like someone gonna accidentally buy Sprint thinkin' they're M&M's - who does that?

11 months, 3 weeks ago by ChocoTrollX


Marsettes never got the love they deserved. Totally better than Rolo. I miss when candy had some real variety, not just the billion M&M's flavors nobody asked for 🙄

11 months, 3 weeks ago by 80sKid4eva


Ah, the lost relics of the candy world. Galaxy Truffles were indeed a supreme iteration within the Celebrations mix - a cut above the rest, you could say. The subtle textural contrast, the luxurious feeling, and let’s not ignore the pristine balance of chocolate to truffle ratio… a masterpiece. Today’s confectionery has yet to fill that void, sadly.

And honestly, Marsettes. Why Mars didn't push those more is beyond me. I actually think they'd do well today considering how caramel has been 'rediscovered' by the gourmet chocolate world.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by CocoaConnoisseur98


I heard that they actually didn't discontinue some of these, they're just sold on the black market to the highest bidder. My cousin said he saw a Marathon in an underground candy shop in Thailand.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by MartianMarket


snik snak, omg that rings a bell but can't picture it... did they have a commercial or something? pple always trying to knock off kitkat, but there's a reason that's still around lol

11 months, 3 weeks ago by Rand0mSnickSnack


You've got a good list, but let's not forget the Mars Bisc&! It predated the famous Twix and was sorta like the alpha version of it. Yeah, it didn't last, but it started the biscuit and caramel combo under Mars' belt. Discontinued candies are such a treasure trove of 'what could have been'.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by TheCandyCrusader


Summit bars were my JAM! Nothing compares these days, chocolate just tasted better back then. Is it just me or did everything get smaller and less tasty? The wafer-to-peanut ratio was perfection, sigh.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by VintageVittles


Wow Marathon sounds wild, 8 meters of caramel, like where do you even store that 😂🍫 wish they'd bring some of these back just for the novelty!

11 months, 3 weeks ago by Chocoholic_madness