The heartbreak of PT being axed

PT (Playable Teaser) for Silent Hills on the PS4 was a masterpiece in horror gaming. And what did Konami do? They pulled the plug, not just on the game but on the whole Silent Hills project. PT gave us a glimpse of what could've been an evolutionary leap for the horror genre. Even if you didn't play it, you felt its absence. Now, it's a legend, a ghost haunting the halls of what-could-have-been.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RetroGameCollector


lol, y'all cryin over a spooky corridor simulator? play a real game maybe 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by HorrorHater666


It's practically a collector's item now. Got my PS4 with PT installed and no way that's ever leaving my side. It's nuts that a demo has become this mythic, but it speaks volume about what PT brought to the table, even in its unfinished state. Anybody else here keep their PT copy like a sacred artifact?

1 year, 2 months ago by RareGamerCollector


Ever think maybe PT is a message from another dimension and Konami cut it off to keep the truth hidden? 😱 Look at the details, they tell a story beyond the game...

1 year, 2 months ago by GlitchyGhost


Remember playing the original Silent Hill back in the day and nothing has quite matched that feel until PT dropped. My heart broke when they canceled it. RIP Silent Hills. The legend will never die though

1 year, 2 months ago by TheRealSilentFan


PT's approach to survival horror was groundbreaking. It wasn't just the graphics or the sound design; it was the psychological aspect, the subtlety. Every playthrough you'd notice something new, something more sinister lurking behind the mundane. I mean, the way it implied a story without outright saying much? Genius. It elevated the entire horror genre into an art form. By cancelling the project, they didn't just kill a game, but a cultural phenomenon in the making. Every horror game that comes out now, I can't help but compare it to the vision PT had promised. What a shame.

1 year, 2 months ago by LisaBehindYou


I totally get where you're coming from. I remember feeling chills running down my spine, the game had a way of getting inside your head like none other. The fact that the full game will never see the light of day... honestly, it's a loss to the entire gaming community.

1 year, 2 months ago by NoSleepGamer


still salty about konami canceling this. Silent Hills could've been THE game that set the bar for the next gen horror. all we got now are let's plays and memories. #ThanksKonami :/

1 year, 2 months ago by KonamiKiller


Man, I feel you. PT was absolute brilliance in game design. It's just frustrating knowing we got a taste of something so unique, and then poof—gone. Watching those looping corridors change was truly an experience. Can’t help but wonder what other psychological tricks Kojima had up his sleeve. 😢

1 year, 2 months ago by ShatteredDreams89