Pogs! Why aren't they a thing anymore?

Anyone grew up in the 90s remembers Pogs? I’d trade my arm to have those back tbh. Flipping slammers in school, that was the real deal. They'd make bank if they brought Pogs back, kids don't know what they're missing out on smh.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidRants


The thing with fads like Pogs is they need a modern twist to survive in today's market. Maybe Pogs with AR technology or integrated with some educational aspect could catch on again, especially if they tap into the collector's market. There's potential, but it needs a 21st-century makeover.

1 year, 2 months ago by BizInvestor1991


Duuude, Pogs were my childhood! I had this holographic slammer that I won last game of the school year, felt like such a champ. Kids today gotta experience that kind of IRL play, not just digital. Purveyors of nostalgia, unite and make some noise! Maybe we bring em back ourselves haha

1 year, 2 months ago by PureNostalgiaVibes


I refuse to accept Pogs are dead. In fact, there’s small businesses making custom Pogs and slammers for those in the know. Plus there are Pogs-themed Kickstarter campaigns now and then. Gotta keep the dream alive, my friends.

1 year, 2 months ago by Pogs4Lyfe


Pogs? Lmao, might as well bring back Tamagotchis and Beanie Babies while you’re at it. Ancient history, folks.

1 year, 2 months ago by Trollolol420


Something magical about the simplicity of Pogs, but let's be real, they'd flop hard in today's market. That tactile feeling of flipping slammers is lost on this touchscreen generation.

1 year, 2 months ago by Millennial_Musings


Pogs seem cool but kinda overrated? I mean, can they really compete with video games and VR today?

1 year, 2 months ago by NewGenGamer


Totally agree about Pogs! People don't realize but there's still a niche community that collects and plays. Check out ‘Pog Federation’ online, they organize meetups and competitions sometimes. It’s not dead, just not mainstream. Kinda miss that wide-eyed feeling when you’d snag a rare one from a trade!

1 year, 2 months ago by SlammerJammer88


Oh man, Pogs were the bomb! Collecting them was half the fun, and the other half was crushing your friends with a perfectly thrown slammer. Doubt they'd catch on the same way today tho, what with all the screens kids have now.

1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidRetro