Dunkaroos were the pinnacle of snacktime

Who else here gets irrationally angry when rememberin dunkaroos got discontinued? I had em in my lunchbox every day. Those tiny kangaroo cookies and that frosting...damn. Sure, we got imposters and wannabes, but nothing beats the original. Bought some on eBay once for a ridiculous price, but yeah, expired food ain't the nostalgia hit u want lol.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by GrumpyGreg87


I hear ya, Dunkaroos were the best. I've been experimenting with recipes to recreate that magic. If you want, I can DM you my best attempt at the frosting. It's pretty close!

1 year, 3 months ago by RecipeRebel


Once saw a pack going for $200 on eBay, unopened. Almost went for it til I realized how crazy that was. You can't put a price on childhood... or can you? 😅

1 year, 3 months ago by eBayJunkie


You ain't alone in that anger, friend. I've been campaigning online to bring 'em back, signed every petition out there. There's just a hole in the snack aisle that only Dunkaroos can fill.

1 year, 3 months ago by CookieMonster32


Lol, get over it, Dunkaroos weren't even that good. Just overly sweet goo with some dry cookies. I don't see the hype 🤣

1 year, 3 months ago by Trollin_4eva


Dude, Dunkaroos were the epitome of 90s snack culture. Nothing compares to the rush of opening your lunchbox and seeing that pack waiting for you. I've tried making homemade versions with store-bought cookies and frosting, but it's just not the same. That special sprinkle frosting was the stuff of legends. Does anyone have any leads on where we could get a similar taste without selling a kidney for expired packs on eBay?

1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKid4Life


Yes!! Dunkaroos were the absolute best. I'd trade any snack today to get those back in stores. That frosting was heavenly, wasn't it? I'd kill for that recipe 😭

1 year, 3 months ago by SugarRushhh


Omg Dunkaroos were my jam back in the day. I swear I taste the nostalgia just thinking about them. Such a shame we can't get the real deal anymore.

1 year, 3 months ago by SnackzNostalgia