McRib more like McFib 😡

Everytime McD’s brings back the McRib, it's like rubbing salt in the wound. They act like it's a treat, but they ain't foolin’ nobody. It's discontinued 90% of the time and I'm tired of this on-again, off-again relationship! Stop the McRib facade and keep it on the menu or banish it forever, cowards!!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by fastfoodie_throwaway


Has anyone considered maybe the McRib is part of a conspiracy to control our eating habits? Like, what if they only have enough secret sauce for it to run once a year? Makes you think...

1 year, 3 months ago by CulinaryConspiracy


Man, McRib was my childhood. Sucks that it's never around when the craving hits. McD's should realize they're just toying with our emotions. Or maybe that's the point? Sigh.

1 year, 3 months ago by NostalgiaNut


I work in marketing, so here's the scoop: limited availability creates scarcity, which drives up demand. It's frustrating for consumers but it's a super effective strategy for them. They’ll never stop 'cause it's all about the $$$ in the end.

1 year, 3 months ago by MarketingMaverick


It's all about demand and supply, or so I heard. Limited-time items stir up people, gets them to rush in. Kinda like those sneaker drops. Annoying but it's just how it works I guess.

1 year, 3 months ago by QuarterPounderQuinn


Stop crying over processed meat lol. McRib is just a ploy to keep you hooked. It's probably the same one they keep recycling every year, just slathered in more sauce. Wake up sheeple!

1 year, 3 months ago by JustHere4Laughs


Why wait for McD’s? Make your own rib sandwich. I smoke some ribs, pull them apart, slap on a bun with my own sauce, pickles, onions... Heaven. No clown shoes at McD’s gets to toy with my rib cravings.

1 year, 3 months ago by GrillMaster83


They're playing 4D chess with our taste buds. McRib is the ultimate tease. Guess what? It's working. You, me, we all buzz about it, creating free hype. McD's is laughing all the way to the bank each time they 'bring it back'.

1 year, 3 months ago by FastFoodRealist


Totally feel your pain. It's like McD's knows the McRib has a cult following and they just love to see us squirm. Every time it's back I drop everything to get my fix. Then it vanishes into thin air like it never existed. Ugh!

1 year, 3 months ago by McRibFanatic