Josta Soda, my friends, was THE best. That kick of guarana, the hint of mystery in the background — like nothing else Pepsi's made since. I got a Josta in one hand and my heart in the other. We didn't know how good we had it until it vanished in the early 2000s. If anyone's got a time machine or a private stash, hit me up... seriously.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SodaSomber
As someone who's extensively researched discontinued soft drinks, Josta's demise was truly unfortunate. It was introduced in 1995 and was actually the first energy drink made by a major US beverage company. The blend of guarana, caffeine, and that unique spice flavor profile really set it apart. Collectors sometimes have ancient cans but trust me, you wouldn't want to drink from those. Your best bet is to appeal to Pepsi for a comeback - they've been known to revive old classics if there's enough interest.
Josta was the bomb, that's a childhood in a can right there 😭 Nothing's ever come close since it disappeared. It's like Surge, Crystal Pepsi, and all the other good stuff from back in the day - gone before you realize you're addicted to it!