Anyone else miss the McD's Arch Deluxe?

bringing this one back from the dead. Arch Deluxe was before its time. that fancy sauce! that potato roll! McD's tried too hard to make it 'adult' and it flopped. just wish i could have one right now.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by bitterburger


Omg yes, that sauce was everything. Ive actually been trying to recreate it, got close once with a mix of mayo, mustard, and a bit of honey. Still working on it, it’s not just about the taste, it's about the memories, ya know

1 year, 3 months ago by sauceboss22


Anyone tried to make their own Arch Deluxe at home? I've been hunting down classic recipes and attempting to bring them back to life in my kitchen. That fancy sauce is tricky to nail down though. Would love to hear if anyone's had success!

1 year, 3 months ago by RetroRecipes


Yeah the Arch Deluxe was nice, but it was too pricey for McD's usual crowd. Wonder if they'd consider a resurrection with a few tweaks... prices included lol

1 year, 3 months ago by FoodFanatic1990


From a marketing perspective, the Arch Deluxe was a fascinating case. McD's really thought they could rebrand for a more 'adult' demographic but misjudged the market. But that misstep makes it all the more cult classic now, doesn't it?

1 year, 3 months ago by MarketingMaven


Arch Deluxe? More like Arch Overrated. It tried too hard to be something it wasn't. McD's is about the Big Mac, not some potato-rolled, fancy sauced 'deluxe'. Stick to the classics, lol.

1 year, 3 months ago by JunkFoodTroll


McD's went full on gourmet mode with the Arch Deluxe. It flopped cuz it was ahead of its time—gourmet burgers weren't a thing. If they brought it back, it'd compete with the artisan stuff we see now. But, that sauce... couldn't replicate it if I tried.

1 year, 3 months ago by FastFoodie64


Totally onboard with this, the Arch Deluxe is one of those things you never knew you'd miss till it was gone. Wish McD's would do a throwback release like they do with the McRib sometimes.

1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKidRants


Man, the Arch Deluxe was the bomb! People just didn't get it back then. They weren't ready for a gourmet touch in their fast food lol. Today it would crush it with all the foodies and insta-food critics.

1 year, 3 months ago by burgerbuff87