The Sad Demise of Trix Yogurt

Let's take a moment to reminisce about Trix Yogurt. With its vibrant swirls and that sweet tang, it was the go-to snack for many of us. After some digging, I found out it was discontinued due to declining sales and general industry shifts towards healthier options. If only they knew the cult following that would emerge years later... a classic case of 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone'.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by YeOldeYogurtLover


No joke, Trix Yogurt was the only reason I even bothered to wake up in the morning back in the day. That stuff was like breakfast dessert. Times change, but I'll still pour one out for the colorful swirls that brightened up our lunchboxes. It's like the modern bfast scene just doesn't compare?

1 year, 3 months ago by XxRetroRunnerxX


I mean... I'm kinda glad it's gone? No offense but I remember buying it once or twice and couldn't ignore the ingredient list. A spoonful of sugar, quite literally. Trying to steer the kiddos toward more natural options without all that food coloring and high-fructose corn syrup.

1 year, 3 months ago by OrganicMom


lmfao, yall crying over YOGURT? It's just colored goop. If your taste buds are stuck in the '90s, maybe your fashion sense is too. Hit me up if you need jean-co shorts 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by YOLOSWAGGINS420


Trix Yogurt RIP 😢. I'd pay top dollar for a time machine rn, just to get some of that goodness. Lowkey, those swirls were art, and each spoonful was a flavor trip. whack that they canned it without a heads up tho

1 year, 3 months ago by SnackItDown


Interesting to see peeps here rallying for Trix Yogurt, but I reckon the market really has changed. Everyone's into Greek yogurt and probiotics now. Still, there's like a subculture for everything these days. Petition to bring it back? lol

1 year, 3 months ago by MarketTrendsMaster


Ah, yes, Trix yogurt. For those who remember, its discontinuation was in the same vein as the original Trix cereal turning from fruit shapes back to boring old balls - soul-crushing. Sales numbers are sales numbers, but they've stripped away our childhood. It had a perfectly tangy and sweet balance that no brand has matched since. Truly, it was a quintessential part of the '90s kid's diet.

1 year, 3 months ago by TheCerealConnoisseur


I get why they discontinued it; sugar-packed yogurts aren't ideal for kids. But man, I miss those swirls. It's a pity they couldn't come up with a lower-sugar version that kept the fun. Would've definitely grabbed it for my cheat days!

1 year, 3 months ago by HealthyHabits2023


Trix Yogurt was my childhood in a cup, always had one packed in my school lunch box. The mixed berry was my jam! I swear nothing tastes as good anymore - it's not just nostalgia, right? They really hit it different

1 year, 3 months ago by BerryNostalgia