Seriously, Choco Tacos were the best ice cream treat ever and some genius decided to just discontinue them?? Bad move, ice cream ppl, bad move. Where am I supposed to find that perfect combo of ice cream, taco-shaped cone, chocolate, and nuts? Nothing beats summer memories like that. If anyone's got a time machine, hit me up, I need to stock up.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ChocoTacoFan


Alright, listen up, fellow Choco Taco mourners. I've been experimenting in the kitchen since I heard the news. You CAN recreate it. Get some sugar cones, soften 'em up just a tad in the microwave, fold 'em gently into a taco shape, fill with ice cream, freeze till firm, then dip in melted chocolate and nuts. Freeze again. It's not 100% the same but it's like 85%, which is a whole lot better than 0%.

1 year, 3 months ago by KitchenMage


can't believe they ditched it!!! like why??? too good for this world, that’s why. profits over palate, amirite?! what’s next, they gonna take away my double fudge sundae too? might as well just eat plain vanilla from now on... Where's the flavor, people?! Bring back the taco!!!

1 year, 3 months ago by CrudFury


It's a sad day for sure. The Choco Taco was a poolside staple. But hey, all good things come to an end, right? Maybe it's time to hit the local sweet shops, some of them might have their own version. Never as good as the original, but it might just scratch that itch.

1 year, 3 months ago by OldSchoolCool


Man, I remember trading my entire lunch for a Choco Taco back in middle school. Absolute travesty that they're gone. Time to start the petition to bring them back, like they did with Twinkies!

1 year, 3 months ago by SweetToothSammy


Choco Tacos are gone because the ice cream illuminati said so. They are making room for the NEW mind control flavor that's coming lol. Make sure you stock up on aluminum foil while you're traveling back in time buddy.

1 year, 3 months ago by xx_TrollMaster_xx


So here's the thing, the Choco Taco was decent, but have you ever tried making your own? Hear me out - get a waffle cone maker, shape it into a taco shell while it's warm, pop in your favorite ice cream, drizzle with melted chocolate and sprinkles with crushed nuts. It's a game changer and you can literally customize them infinitely. Homemade FTW!

1 year, 3 months ago by JustDesserts


ugh this is the worst, why do they always get rid of the good stuff?? now we gotta suffer with just plain old cones and ice cream sandwiches. RIP Choco Taco, you will be missed 😭

1 year, 3 months ago by SnackTimeSadness


No kidding, Choco Tacos were my go-to whenever I heard the ice cream truck as a kid. It's like someone decided to dump all the best parts of an ice cream sundae into a taco shell and it just WORKED. The crunch, the creaminess, the chocolate... man, nothing compares. I'm hoarding a box I found on clearance in my freezer right now. Best believe no one else is getting their hands on it!

1 year, 3 months ago by IceCreamConnoisseur89