Wendy's SuperBar - An all-you-can-eat dream!

Picture this - the 90s, Wendy's, an all-you-can-eat buffet called SuperBar. The joy when my parents said we were going to Wendy's was unmatched. You had the salad bar, the fruit and pasta stations, tacos, and that delicious garlic bread. Felt like such a treat picking whatever I wanted. Then suddenly, they were gone...rumors say they were too hard to maintain? Sad times.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by xSweetMemoriesx


SuperBar was the epitome of dining out for me as a kid. Wendy’s rly knew how to make us dream about salads and pasta. Now it’s all about sea salt fries. Nostalgia's hitting hard, man.

1 year, 3 months ago by FoodieForever_


Actually, there's a cool backstory to why these disappeared! Turns out, SuperBar wasn't yielding enough profit because of the high operational costs. Plus, it attracted a dine-in crowd when Wendy's wanted to boost drive-thru sales during the fast food wars. It's a slice of history most people don't chew on.

1 year, 3 months ago by FastFoodHistoryBuff


Omg yes! SuperBar was like a treasure hunt for my little self, grab a lil bit of everything. Someone needs to start a petition to bring it back. Petition.org, here I come!

1 year, 3 months ago by NostalgiaNut


Change.org, you meant?

1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Honestly, someone starting a petition wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've seen online. I miss those days too. Just chillin at Wendy's with no care in the world except if my taco was gonna have enough cheese. They don't make em like that anymore. RIP SuperBar, you are missed!

1 year, 3 months ago by MemoryLane90s


Change.org is for try-hards, lol. SuperBar's dead and buried. Let's start a petition for unlimited Frostys instead, now that will get the people goin'. 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by Bandit_the_troll


Lol, imagining a Change.org petition going viral for a 90s Wendy's buffet is gold. But on the real, the SuperBar was probably a nightmare for franchises in terms of cost and waste. Fast food's all about speed and simplicity these days. Can't imagine them bringing back something that complex sadly.

1 year, 3 months ago by EatusMaximus


Haha, a Change.org petition might just be crazy enough to work, or at least get some attention! Who wouldn't want the SuperBar back? It was like the golden age at Wendy's. Could go for some of that garlic bread right now...

1 year, 3 months ago by RetroCrave


RIP best garlic bread ever. Sure it might’ve been just frozen stuff they warmed up, but NOTHING compares since. If they brought it back I'd be first in line, no cap.

1 year, 3 months ago by GarlicBreadFiend


Ya'll talking about how great the SuperBar was, but from a health perspective, those things can be a hazard. Not saying Wendy's wasn't on top of it, but the move away from buffets in quick-serve restaurants isn't just about cost—it's also about safety.

1 year, 3 months ago by JustaHealthInspector


Maintaining a buffet is a logistical nightmare for a fast food joint. Health codes, food waste, and just the sheer cost of keeping fresh stuff out all the time. It's a miracle it lasted as long as it did if we're being honest.

1 year, 3 months ago by EatFreshFail


SuperBar was lowkey the best thing about Wendy's. I think they just couldn't keep up with the demand and the waste must’ve been insane. I do miss piling my plate with that weirdly good pasta salad tho.

1 year, 3 months ago by BuffetBuster


No way, I've totally forgotten about the SuperBar! Back then, endless garlic bread was my jam. Now all we get is a measly side order. Wendy's really did us dirty phasing it out. :/

1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKid4eva