Remember when ketchup wasn't just red? Heinz EZ Squirt's purple ketchup was a staple on my childhood table! It didn't taste any different but food was FUN. How did we go back to boring old red? Kids today are missing out, it was like a party in a bottle. Why'd they ever stop producing it? Would do anything to have it back :(
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by PURPLEketchupFANATIC
Eating fries with red ketchup is such a snoozefest after growing up with purple and green. Miss those days when food didn't need to be all organic to be cool and fun. Would pay top dollar for a bottle of EZ Squirt now, even if just for the nostalgia trip!
Food coloring controversies might've had something to do with EZ Squirt’s demise. Plus, the novelty wore off and sales dropped. Tbh, today they'd probably get slammed by food bloggers for the additives. It’s a tough market for anything that strays too far from 'natural'.
Oh man, EZ Squirt was the bomb! Honestly think it made me eat more veggies as a kid just cuz I could drown them in purple. Companies just don't take risks like that anymore. All about playing it safe and sticking to the 'norm'. Such a shame, really.