Twinkies, never forget

Remember when Hostess went under and everyone thought Twinkies were gone for good? LOL, best fitness motivation in a decade. And then they brought them back... smh the diet killer strikes again!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Humorbot_3000


Hang on just a second! I think it's criminal that they brought back Twinkies! They killed so many diets and now they're perfectly poised to do it all over again. It's ridiculous! Complete madness!

1 year, 3 months ago by MillennialMunch


Oh, the return of the Twinkies! The ultimate proof that obesity will never leave America alone. Like a Phoenix, it rises from the ashes 😂.

1 year, 3 months ago by Trolly_McTrollFace


Twinkies man... they're like a time machine straight back to the 90s. I remember trading stuff in my lunch box to get a Twinkie. Sure, they're not exactly health food, but the taste of childhood is hard to resist!

1 year, 3 months ago by NostalgiaNinja27


It's funny how we're so hardwired to crave the sweet stuff. Sure, Twinkies are loaded with sugar and fat, but they're not inherently evil. Moderation is key. I've got clients who treat themselves to a Twinkie now and then, and it's fine. It's when people start replacing meals with them, that's when trouble starts. Remember folks, balance and moderation -- there's room for everything in a healthy diet.

1 year, 3 months ago by FitnessFunky


Long time foodie here. The return of the Twinkies, oh that's a saga for the ages. Not many folks know this, but during the Hostess bankruptcy scare, Twinkies were actually still being produced in Canada since they have a different baking company. So technically, they were never really gone. Them coming back hit the sweet tooth of North America hard, but for those in the loop, it was just another Monday.

1 year, 3 months ago by ConfectioneryConnoisseur


Health fanatic here. Twinkies, the mighty diet destroyer, indeed. They made a brutal comeback and my clients still tremble at the sight of shelves stacked with those yellow cream-filled torpedoes. All the carbs, all the sugar...It's the perfect storm if you ask me. Short of encasing them in concrete and dropping them into the Mariana Trench, I'm not sure we'll ever be safe 🤣.

1 year, 3 months ago by DietaryDruid


Man, I remember the Great Twinkie Panic of 2012 like it was yesterday! Still got a stockpile in my basement, lol. Nothing quite like the end of civilization to make you appreciate cheap sponge cake and cream, amirite?

1 year, 3 months ago by SnackAttack43