Missin' Oreo Cakesters

Man, I can't be the only one who misses those Oreo Cakesters. They were like whoopie pies but way better. Can't find anything quite like it today. Anyone know if something similar exists? Need it for my 3PM sugar rush ya know...

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ForgotAboutIt


First post here, saw this and just had to reply...hard agree, those Cakesters were the best! Haven't found a good replacement yet...but the search continues!

1 year, 3 months ago by SugahRush


As a baker, I can tell you the Oreo Cakesters are very easy to replicate. Just get a basic cake mix, add some Oreo crumbs, and use the Oreo filling as stuffing. The little snack factory in your kitchen is open! 😊

1 year, 3 months ago by BakerGuy


Just do what I do and eat the Oreos straight from the packet. Who needs those fancy Cakesters anyways? 🤣

1 year, 3 months ago by TrollinThaDough


Man, do you guys know how much sugar and transfat those things had? Try some fruit or a handful of nuts for your 3pm snack instead! #HealthyLiving

1 year, 3 months ago by healthyheather


Right?! Used to love those things! My mom would always put one in my school lunch. Nothing quite like them these days... Running on coffee and good memories mostly now :P

1 year, 3 months ago by snackaholic69


Yeah, the Oreo Cakesters were discontinued around 2012, haven't seen anything quite the same since. If you're really keen, you could try making your own. Plenty of recipes knocking around on the internet. Or get a whoopie pie and a pack of Oreos, smother the Oreo filling onto the whoopie pie, could be pretty close!

1 year, 3 months ago by nabsico_nerd


Man, you're not the only one! Seriously craving those Cakesters nowadays. Not exactly the same, but have you tried the Hostess Ding Dongs? Sort of scratches that itch for me, especially if you chuck 'em in the microwave for a couple seconds. Perfect for that 3PM slump!

1 year, 3 months ago by sweettoothsam