Looking for an old candy - Rainbow Coconut?

Hey peeps, anyone remember a candy, was like dyed coconut stuff... I think Rainbow Coconut or something?? Used to have it when i was a kid round the 90s. Can’t find it anywhere now and it's driving me nuts... ring any bells?

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by candymanjp


OMG, those were the days! Rainbow coconut and Ring Pops and Fruit by the Foot... life was so simple then. Weren't neon colours just the best!

1 year, 5 months ago by NeonNostalgia


Random fun fact: coconuts are actually considered a fruit, not a nut! 🥥

1 year, 5 months ago by Coconutty4U


Rainbow Coconut? Those little sugar bombs that left your fingers looking like you'd finger painted a rainbow? Yeah remember them, but can't say I miss them!

1 year, 5 months ago by IckySticky


I believe you're speaking of Rainbow Coconut Slices, a popular candy in the late '80s and '90s. It was indeed a rather unique and fun candy, consisting of vibrantly dyed coconut pieces to give it the 'rainbow' theme. Due to changes in popularity and perhaps some manufacturing complexities, many companies discontinued such products. These nostalgic candies can sometimes be found at vintage or antique markets, where vendors often sell older and discontinued treats. And as previously mentioned by another user, also keep an eye out on eBay or specific online stores that cater to 'historic' or older candy varieties.

1 year, 5 months ago by ConfectioneryHistorian


Rainbow Coconut, huh? Sounds like a code name for illegal substances if you ask me 👀😂.

1 year, 5 months ago by SuspiciousSweetTooth


Oh yea, Rainbow Coconut, I remember that. Classic 90s sweet. I think they discontinued it quite a while ago though. Your best bet might be some kind of 'nostalgia candy' online store, or maybe eBay or something. Lots of old-time candy finds its way onto there. Good luck with your hunt mate.

1 year, 5 months ago by CandyCrusader


Rainbow... Coconut? Don't think I've ever heard of it. Was just a 90s thing or what?

1 year, 5 months ago by Salty711Clueless


OMG! I remember that candy - Rainbow Coconut! It was awesome, wasn't it? Dyed coconut pieces, so funky and sweet haha. Used to get 'em at the corner store. No clue if they're still around, would love a piece for some sweet nostalgia.

1 year, 5 months ago by 90sCandyLover