Vegan nomads, how do you find food??

Seriously struggling to find plant-based options that aren't just plain lettuce. How do you guys do it in non-vegan friendly places? Any app recommendations or tips would be amazing!

Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by TheVagabondVegan


Ever tried explaining veganism in a place where it's basically unheard of? It's an adventure, I'll tell you that. Apps help, but sometimes you're on your own. Get ready to live on rice, beans, veggies, and the odd fruit you don't recognize. Always fun to guess whether it's gonna taste sweet or send you sprinting for the nearest bathroom.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by snarkyplant


Don't get stuck at salads! Street food markets often have some hidden vegan gems. Apps are a godsend tho. HappyCow has been mentioned, but I also use TripAdvisor and filter reviews for vegan mentions. Sometimes it's not perfect, but you do what you gotta do, right?

11 months, 2 weeks ago by VegansDoItBetter


I carry a card with dietary restrictions translated into different languages and show it in restaurants - works pretty well. There's always fruit, veggies, nuts and bread too! Also, scope out any local Buddhist or Hindu restaurants, they tend to have vegan options due to religious reasons. Sometimes you just gotta be resourceful.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by wanderlust_warrior


Just eat the grass, all the nutrients you need 😂 But seriously, HappyCow. It's like Tinder for vegans, but for finding food.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by green_grub_troll


Staples are your friends. Rice, beans, tofu if it’s available. Spices can change any plain dish into something delicious. In many Asian countries, it's surprisingly easy to find vegan dishes once you know what to look for.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by simple_eats


I'm new to this, but I've been using Google Translate to check ingredients lists, has worked a charm so far. Anyone tried out the Veganagogo app?

11 months, 2 weeks ago by VeggieGoesAbroad


Traveling vegan here! You gotta get creative sometimes. Learn how to say a few key phrases if you're somewhere with language barriers. 'No meat, no dairy' can go a long way. Check out local markets, sometimes you can find fruits, nuts, and grains that you can turn into a meal. And time to get cozy with the kitchen if your accommodation has one, fresh local produce cooked at home is your best bet often!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by globetrotter_grub


HappyCow app is a lifesaver! Found loads of options in places I'd never have thought had vegan food. You can filter by location. Plus, don't be afraid to ask local veggie groups on FB for their fave spots or hacks.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by nomadicveggie