

Why community matters: The true story of a stranded nomad

Folks, this is a PSA on the importance of community among us nomads. Met a guy in Bali who ended up in a tricky spot when his scooter got nicked. No friends, no contacts. You know what saved him? A local group of digital nomads he connected with on FB. …
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Nomad_Cliff


Affordable Health Insurance for Nomads?

Health insurance is such a pain... looking for something thats not gonna break the bank but also won't leave me high n dry if i need to see a doc while abroad. expats and nomads, what do you use? currently bouncing around SEA if that helps. Cheers guys!
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by CheapoCheepo


Solo Female Digital Nomads - Safety Tips You Need

Navigating the world as a solo female digital nomad? Here’s what I learned on the road: Safety apps are your BFF. Look for ones that share realtime location with trusted contacts (like Life360 or TripWhistle). Always have local emergency numbers stored in your phone. Do this BEFORE you arrive at …
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by SoloTravelQueen


Digital Nomad? More like Digital No-Mad!

lmao y'all think u're living the life but really you're just avoiding real jobs. Get a desk and a 9-5 like the rest of us. seeing the world won't pay your retirement. Can't wait to see when the WiFi goes down and panic mode sets in. 😂🤣 Digital more like …
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by nomad_troll_underbridge


Help with taxes as a US digital nomad?

Okay, so this is probably a dumb question but I'm really confused about how taxes work when you're not living in the US. Do we still pay state taxes and stuff? I'm from California btw. Feeling overwhelmed, any help or resources to sort this mess would be amaze. TIA!
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by WanderingTaxGal


Good cafes to work in Chiang Mai?

hey folks, just landed in Chiang Mai and lookin for chill places to work from. Coffee has gotta be decent and wifi has to not suck. Any recos? Bonus points for the place that has comfy seats and doesn't mind if we camp a bit. Thanks!
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by ChiangMaiChill


The Ultimate Guide to Landing Remote Dev Jobs

Hey everyone, just wanted to drop some knowledge on landing remote dev gigs, especially for newbies starting out. First off, networking is KEY 🔑. Can't stress this enough. Use LinkedIn, Twitter, local meetups, and participate in forums. The personal connection gets your foot in the door faster than a cold …
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by nomadiccoder42


Ultimate Guide: Staying Productive While on the Move

Fellow nomads, the key to a sustainable lifestyle is retaining productivity amidst the chaos of travel. Here's my proven framework: 1. **Embrace Cloud-Based Tools**: Sync your work across devices with Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive. 2. **Stay Connected**: Invest in a good quality travel router and always have a backup …
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by TechWanderlust


DO NOT let your remote job chain you to one spot

It's so easy to just stay put in a 'comfortable' city, but that's a TRAP. The world is vast, my dudes. Don't settle! Keep moving, keep experiencing new cultures, new foods, new networks. That growth is priceless, and you'll regret the chances you didn't take. Live the nomad life to …
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by DigitalDanTheMan


Affordable cities for digital nomads in Eastern Europe?

Hey peeps, lookin' to stretch my budget in Eastern Europe. Anyone got cities they love that won't leave my wallet cryin'? Bonus for cozy cafe vibes and reliable wifi. Wanna aim for a spot with a decent nomad community too!
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by NomadPingu


Cut Costs, Not Experiences: My Top 5 Tips

Nomads gotta save where they can, right? Here's how I manage my budget: 1. **Accommodation**: Hostels or Airbnb with kitchen access. Cook your meals. 2. **Transportation**: Walk, rent bikes, or use local buses instead of taxis. 3. **Flights**: Use Skyscanner or Google Flights for crazy deals. 4. **Earn points**: Travel …
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by BudgetTraveller


World's Best Coffee Spots for Digital Nomads

Coffee lovers, unite! Bean on the road for a year now, tasting every brew. Here’s my hit list: - **Chiang Mai, Thailand**: Ristr8to - a latte art paradise - **Medellín, Colombia**: Pergamino Café – best beans in town - **Berlin, Germany**: The Barn – quality you can taste - **Portland, …
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by JavaJunkieTravels


Nomads are just homeless with extra steps

Y'all keep talking about your 'digital nomad lifestyle' like it's some grand adventure. Please, most of you are one wifi failure away from being a Starbucks hobo. Change my mind. #HomelessInStyle
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by CryptoNomadX


Solo travel fears??

First time going solo and the jitters are real. How do you all deal with the safety concerns and loneliness that hits you outta nowhere?
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by SoloSara


Vegan nomads, how do you find food??

Seriously struggling to find plant-based options that aren't just plain lettuce. How do you guys do it in non-vegan friendly places? Any app recommendations or tips would be amazing!
submitted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by TheVagabondVegan