Let's dissect the infamous 'MyRPG' project, a classic game trapped in Development Hell for over a decade.
Initial Pitch: The idea started in 2009, promising an immersive world with groundbreaking AI.
Team Assembly: The initial team was small, passionate, but inexperienced.
Scope Creep: As the project gained some traction, features kept piling on. Multiplayer, crafting, endless side-quests...
Engine Trouble: Midway through, they switched engines not once, but TWICE. Want to drive your dev team mad? That's how.
Funding Fiasco: Initial funding dried up, leading to multiple Kickstarter campaigns. The money went as fast as it came, mostly to revamp things the new engine broke.
The Burnout: Original members left, new ones came in without the same passion or understanding of the project. Knowledge was lost, bugs were born.
Current Status: The game is a patchwork of ideas from different eras of its development. It's a Frankenstein's monster, but the community clings to hope.
Lessons Learned: Set realistic goals, prepare to pivot, and for the love of code, manage your feature creep!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DevilInDetails
I've seen a lot about MyRPG over the years; it's sad to see so much potential get stifled by inexperience and ambition. It's a harsh lesson in game dev - know your limits and play within them. That and document everything because you never know when you'll need to hand over the reins.
I still have faith in the AI part of MyRPG. If they ever get it right, it could be revolutionary. The concept of an AI-driven world with dynamic NPC interactions? That’s the dream! I say give them time and it could be a game changer...literally.
Feature creep is a death sentence for so many good projects. It's like, we get it, you wanna make the dream game. But when you're juggling a small budget and a team that’s learning on the fly, sometimes you gotta stick to the basics and just push something out the door, you know?
Been burned by too many Kickstarters to have any hope for MyRPG. Every update's another excuse. 'Oh we switched engines', 'Oh our key staff left'. Just sounds like they bit off more than they could chew. They promised the moon and stars and couldn't even deliver a pebble.
Oh man, MyRPG... that takes me back. Remember the hype when they first announced it? Those were the days, we actually thought AI would change gaming overnight. If they ever sort it out and release it, I’ll be first in line out of sheer nostalgia.