We got Metroid Prime 4, then Grand Theft Auto VI, then Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake (working title), then Beyond Good and Evil 2, then The Outer Worlds 2, then Cuphead 2 (they confirmed this to be released according to the Game Awards), then Sims 5 (Project Rene), then Star Wars: Eclipse, then Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake, then Super Mario Galaxy 3, then Super Mario Odyssey 2, then Mario Kart 9...There's so much development hell in this post.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1
I’ll play the dev's advocate; most of those games are probably caught in a mixture of overambition, managerial shifts, or tech setbacks (Hello Beyond Good & Evil 2, I'm looking at you). The gaming landscape's changing – crowd hype, shareholder pressure, team burnouts. It's a miracle anything gets shipped. Fingers crossed for KOTOR Remake – that one needs to see the light of day!
I've gotta defend the devs here a bit. Like with Star Wars Eclipse, the tech and stories are getting so complex, it's a miracle games come out at all! Plus, with the gaming industry's work conditions, I'm surprised devs don't just drop everything and run for the hills. Still, can't help but be gutted over Mario Galaxy 3... That one hit hard.
There's also Overwatch 3, Counter Strike 2 (now released), The Outer Worlds 2, Cities: Skylines 2, EVERYWHERE (competing with GTA VI), Red Dead Redemption 3, and GTA Online 2.
Gotta say, I'm skeptical about RDR3. RDR2's story felt so complete, hard to imagine where they'd go with another one. Pumped for CS2 and Star Wars: Eclipse though, heard that it's running on Quantic Dream's engine, and it could be a narrative powerhouse if they do it right! Anyone heard if they're still using that controversial mocap tech?
lol Overwatch 3 when we still figuring out Overwatch 2 meta 🤣 And don't get me started on Cities: Skylines 2... we need Paradox to fix the original's traffic first. Hope we get some news on Beyond Good and Evil 2 though, it's been too long.
This list is painful. I’ve stopped getting my hopes up for any titles in ‘development’. Sims 5 or Project Rene, or whatever they call it, will just be another disappointment filled with DLC traps anyway. Just watch.
I don't hope so.
Recently, The Sims 4 was made free. So I hope Sims 5 (Project Rene) doesn't get any DLCs and might be free forever.
No way EA changes their spots, they'll milk every penny from Sims 5 with or without putting a price tag on the game itself. F2P just means the monetization will be sneakier - watch out for those 'exclusive items' and 'time-saver packs'. Plus, don’t forget about the possibility of ads creeping in. Let's see how they spin it when the time comes.
Sims 4 going free could be a new strategy for EA, like maybe they'll focus on in-game purchases or a subscription model instead of old school DLCs. Who knows? Might work out better for everyone if it keeps the game fresh without shelling out for every little thing.
Here's what I think is happening. Development cycles are getting longer partly because of rising expectations. Gamers want perfect graphics, sound, gameplay—everything. AAA companies are scared of releasing stuff that might need polishing lest they get hit by another Cyberpunk situation. Doesn't excuse the silence though. They could at least throw us a bone with some updates or concept art.
Okay, but imagine if everything on this list actually dropped? What a year for gaming that would be! GTA VI will come out eventually; it’s too big to fail, right? And Metroid Prime 4... Nintendo knows we want it badly. They won’t let us down... I hope.
Star Wars: Eclipse and KOTOR Remake BOTH in purgatory? Color me shocked. Not like we've ever seen a Star Wars game get stuck in limbo before...oh wait. RIP 1313. I'll believe these are coming when they're in my console and not a second before.
Oof, this list hits hard. I feel like some devs bite off more than they can chew. Beyond Good & Evil 2, I’ve been waiting forever and a day... Will it live up to the hype if it even comes out? But hey, let’s keep our fingers crossed, right?