Anyone here got updates on 'Star Citizen'?

Just pledged more money to Star Citizen and now I'm wondering if I'm just throwing my cash into a black hole. I wanna be excited but damn this game's been 'upcoming' for an eternity. Someone give me hope or just tell me I've been an idiot, either's fine tbh.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by VaporwareVictim


Honestly? I stopped putting in cash after hitting concierge. Just enjoy what you can play now and stop buying ships. Only way to stay sane with this project.

1 year, 3 months ago by SpaceMarineGrunt


Hey! We appreciate your support and understand the frustration. The devs are working hard to deliver on the promises. We're definitely not a black hole. Your support fuels the progress, and we hope to live up to your expectations. In the meantime, check the roadmap for updates!

1 year, 3 months ago by DevOutreachRep


Sometimes I wonder the same thing. But I can't deny, playing the alpha versions has given me some epic moments. There's nothing out there with the same scope. It's a gamble, but I'm in for the long haul.

1 year, 3 months ago by DrakeInterceptor


Hahaha RIP your wallet buddy. Maybe by the time the game releases, we can play it on our quantum computers or with our alien friends. F for respect.

1 year, 3 months ago by LaserTroll69


I totally get your concerns, but remember, building something this complex takes time and unprecedented ambition. Technology is catching up with their vision, so that's good news. The community is strong, and the devs are communicating more than ever. Hang tight!

1 year, 3 months ago by OptimisticOrion


lol you think this is gonna come out? we're financing the most expensive screen saver in history my dude. But hey, at least we get pretty ships to look at in our virtual hangar.

1 year, 3 months ago by SpaceJunkie404


Just be patient. I get how you feel, but with each update, we’re seeing the universe expand. They're not just taking the money and running. There's visible work done, just... painfully slow. Keep faith!

1 year, 3 months ago by hopefulcadet


Hey there, long time backer here. So they've been releasing Alpha patches consistently, and the last one added some pretty neat stuff like new stations and missions. They're still ironing out some core techs like server meshing which is huge for performance and stuff. No concrete release date yet but feels like progress, y'know?

1 year, 3 months ago by FleetAdmiralX