lmao another reboot? sure, will see it in 2045

heard they're rebooting 'The Crow' again for the billionth time. can't wait to not watch it when I'm 80. probably gonna recast it another 10 times before it even hits pre-production 😂

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CynicalArtist


I love 'The Crow' comic, and honestly, nobody asked for this reboot. It's been, what, 4 or 5 tries now? They should just leave it alone, but I guess Hollywood can't resist beating a dead horse. R.I.P. originality.

1 year, 3 months ago by DarkCityAvenger


Here's to hoping they nail the casting this time. 'The Crow' deserves a solid reboot, something that pays homage to Lee and taps into that gothic-noir vibe. But yeah, not holding my breath. Seen too many scripts die in development purgatory.

1 year, 3 months ago by RavenScripter


2045? Optimistic much? Try 3000. By that time, we'll have reboots of the reboots. 'The Crow' will probably be a hologram or something. Or maybe it’ll just be an AI 'acting' in the movie. What a joke. 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by RebootReaper


As someone who's seen the internal workings of these studios, this 'The Crow' reboot is a pipe dream. They've probably already blown through a small budget just swapping directors and rewriting scripts. Expect this to get quietly shelved in a couple of years, only for the cycle to start again in another decade.

1 year, 3 months ago by NoFaithInHollywood


Heard from a guy who knows a guy that the script is actually solid for the reboot. It's just that execs keep getting cold feet cuz of the OG's legacy. Dunno, I'd give it a shot, but they better not mess up the soundtrack!

1 year, 3 months ago by KingOfTheRumors


I might be in the minority here but isn't it kinda cool that they're trying to reboot 'The Crow'? I mean, yeah, it's been stuck forever and who knows if it'll see the light of day but if they get the right cast and actually respect the source material, could be epic.

1 year, 3 months ago by lilactinggoblin


So they're going for another attempt at 'The Crow', huh? Well, after the tragedy with Brandon Lee and the cursed production history, maybe some things are better left untouched. None of the sequels or reboots have come close to capturing the magic of the 1994 movie, IMO.

1 year, 3 months ago by CinemaNostalgia


Yeah, right, 'The Crow' reboot... Join the list of movies that just can’t seem to take off, next to the likes of 'Gambit' and 'BioShock'. I’ll believe it when I see it on the big screen, and even then, I'll probably just stick to the original.

1 year, 3 months ago by CrowFan4eva