Development hell is like where good ideas go to be ghosted?

just joined this sub and am i right in thinking that all these amazing scripts and games and stuff just... get ignored for years? why does this happen so much? it's so frustratinggg

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Forgotten_Scripts


True creative vision is rare and delicate. Too many cooks in the kitchen, too much focus on 'will it sell' metrics, not enough on 'is it good'. And don't get me started on the tech issues. You code something genius, it’s groundbreaking, then hardware gets outdated and your whole project's gotta adapt or die. It’s a tough scene, not for the faint of heart.

1 year, 3 months ago by GameWhisperer


Horror stories from development hell could fill books, and trust me, they’re as tragic as they sound. The worst is when corporate suits mess with the creative process so much, the original creators would rather abandon their own project than watch it get mangled. Happened to a friend. They steal your baby and let it starve. The system's broken.

1 year, 3 months ago by CreativityKilled


lol maybe the ideas aren't that good if nobody wants to make them? ever think of that? 😂 just saying, if it's in development hell, probably deserves to be.

1 year, 3 months ago by trollolol404


right?!? it sucks and it's like a black hole for potentially AWESOME content. I think a ton of it comes down to money and mismanagement. also, like someone else said, rights issues. imagine having the perfect script for a game or a movie and then being told you can't make it cause of some tiny legal thing forgotten in a contract from 1999. total bummer.

1 year, 3 months ago by ideaGraveyard


Happens all the time. I keep waiting for that one game announced like a decade ago. Maybe someday... 😔 Still, it's exciting when something escapes development hell and turns out amazing! cough Cyberpunk cough

1 year, 3 months ago by PixelatedDreamer


Game dev here. It's a complex mix of bad timing, changing company priorities, legal issues, and yeah, sometimes just plain ol' mismanagement. Ever heard of development purgatory? Same deal but when execs keep stringing the team along with false hope while the project slowly decays into nothingness. Rip.

1 year, 3 months ago by devsDungeonMaster


Oh totally. It’s a pit of despair for scripts that's for sure. Sometimes the studios buy up properties just to keep competition from getting them. Or they can't find the right director or cast. Licensing issues also come into play a lot. Imagine having your masterpiece bought but then shelved indefinitely 😩

1 year, 3 months ago by ScriptScribbler


It's the sad truth, my friend. Plenty of great concepts never see the light of day. It’s not just about being 'ignored' though. Funding dries up, teams fall apart, or the market changes and suddenly that brilliant idea isn't so brilliant to investors anymore. Welcome to the valley of broken dreams haha.

1 year, 3 months ago by TheForgottenPixel