Survivor's guide to Development Hell

Let me lay out some survival tips for you poor souls stuck in dev hell. One: Kill your darlings. If a scene's not working, it's gotta go. Two: Network like your life depends on it - sometimes it's who you know, not what. Three: Always have a backup project. Trust me, you'll need it. Been through the ringer and back, happy to help the newbs out.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DevHellVeteran


I just copy-paste my code from Stack Overflow and call it a day. Who really writes their own stuff anymore? Development hell is for suckers lol.

1 year, 3 months ago by ScriptKiddie


While the networking thing is true, let's not forget the power of a positive mindset. Sometimes it's the only thing keeping me from deleting all my code and taking up alpaca farming instead.

1 year, 3 months ago by DreamerDev


Funny thing about dev hell, the name is so on point. Your project is tormented eternally. It's like every circle of hell from Dante's Inferno. And killing darlings? Feels more like a mass murder at this point. Also, whoever invented crunch time...I just want to talk.

1 year, 3 months ago by EndlessLoop


Killing darlings almost sounds too kind for this industry. Sometimes you gotta kill 'em, bring 'em back, rework 'em, then kill 'em off again. Never a dull moment with execs wanting changes sigh.

1 year, 3 months ago by CharacterAssassin


I'm as green as they come, and let me tell ya, the backup project advice is gold. My first big idea is stuck in an endless loop of revisions. Already brainstorming what next to jump on when this ship sinks. Which, from the looks of it, could be any minute now...

1 year, 3 months ago by FreshOutOfIdeas


Couldn't agree more about networking! It's not just a survival tip, but a way of life in this biz. I've landed more gigs from random coffee shop chats than any formal interview. Keep those business cards handy, folks, and always be ready to pitch your project or skills!

1 year, 3 months ago by NetworkingNinja247


Heh, backups. Got more shelved projects than I've got fingers to count 'em. And yeah, networking's the only thing that got my stuff out of the limbo at least twice. But let's be real, sometimes devs just gotta vent in a forum like this, right?

1 year, 3 months ago by CodeMonkey42


Oh the joys of development hell... Tip number three is a LIFESAVER. Literally been working on a 'side project' so long it became the main one after the original got axed. Pro tip: Don't get too attached to anything, the 'kill your darlings' part is painful but necessary. RIP my favorite character arc that never saw the light of day.

1 year, 3 months ago by DeadlineDoomer