First time filmmaker woes

Hey everyone, new here but gotta vent. Started my first short film and I had no idea how hard it was gonna be to just start. Can't lock down a location, actors keep dropping out, and my DP just moved to another state. Is it always like this or am I cursed?

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by FirstTimer_05


First timer myself! I read that pre-production struggles are kinda the norm? Maybe it’s a good sign, like it’s gonna be epic! Just keep pushing; your movie's gonna be great! 🎥✨

1 year, 3 months ago by LoglineLarry


It's like they say, 'the only easy day was yesterday'. Locking down a location is about persistence and charm—get the locals on your side. For your actors, find passionate people who believe in your project. As for your DP, put out some feelers in local film groups online. There's plenty of talent out there looking for a project. Keep the faith!

1 year, 3 months ago by Claquette_Clapper


Stick with it! Everyone's first shot at filmmaking is like running through a minefield blindfolded. Try to be flexible, adapt and overcome. And remember, the best stories come from the hardest shoots.

1 year, 3 months ago by OneTakeTony


Hey, it's rough but not uncommon. First thing, always have backup locations and talent. Relationships matter more than anything in this business, so build good ones! For locations, see if any local businesses want to trade space for a mention in the credits. As for actors and crew, film students or local theater actors can be a goldmine. And don't stress the DP moving, use it as an opportunity to find some fresh eyes. Keep at it, perseverance is key in this industry.

1 year, 3 months ago by CinephileSteve


Cursed? Nah, just sounds like you're not cut out for this. Maybe take up painting? 🎨 Much quieter, fewer people to deal with. Lol jkjk. But seriously, lower your expectations, EVERY project is a nightmare in its own special way. Welcome to filmmaking.

1 year, 3 months ago by TheRealTrollDirector


Aww, I'm sorry to hear that! This is my first time here too. I just started my own project, and it's like everything's smooth? Maybe try a different approach or something. Good luck tho!

1 year, 3 months ago by RetakeQueen


Welcome to the club. It's always chaos at the start, sometimes in the middle, and if you're lucky, not as much at the end. It's a test of how much you want it. And yep, sometimes it feels like you're cursed. Knock on wood, carry a rabbit's foot, and keep grinding.

1 year, 3 months ago by ShotIntheDark22


Man, that sounds brutal but kinda par for the course in indie filmmaking. Locations fall through like all the time and actors... well, let's just say they're not always the most reliable if they're not being paid much (or at all?). Keep your chin up, network like crazy, and maybe check out local film schools for eager DPs and actors looking for projects!

1 year, 3 months ago by DirectorsCut