Alright, so who else has that one project that's basically a zombie at this point? It's dead but just won't lie down. I'm like 3 rewrites in and each time I swear it's gonna be the last... but nah, here I am, opening that script doc again. Tell me your tales of development purgatory, ppl!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by GrumpyGus
I've got a drama script and guess what, each character has had like four different backstories. Feels like they're leading me, not the other way around. It's this never-ending cycle of 'ah ha!' moments followed by 'what was I thinking?' sessions.
Not a writer, but a director. That script you can't let go of? It haunts me too, I got one. Think of it as wine. It'll mature... or turn to vinegar. But yeah just remember, Tarantino wrote 'Inglorious Basterds' over a decade before it got made. Keep the faith!
I'm on rewrite number seven for a rom-com that started out as a buddy cop film. Can you believe it? Every time industry trends change, so does my script. It's a chameleon in a pile of scripts at this point. At this rate, I'll accidentally invent a new genre...
Ugh, I feel you. Mine's a sci-fi epic I started in college. Rewritten it four times. Every time I think it's good, I read it after a month and it's like a brand new pile of inconsistencies and plot holes. It's like the plot is evolving on its own or something. Maybe one day it'll rewrite itself into something decent, right?