Lmao 'Pizza Hat' instead of 'Pizza Hut'

no way dude, saw a 'Pizza Hat' while road trippin. Sign looked like it was made with clip art. Went inside and it’s all cowboy themed?? they served my drink in a boot. 10/10 would eat again for the laugh.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ripoff_randy


Omg, that's just adorable in a so-bad-it's-good type of way. I'd totally make a detour for that kind of place. The boot drink is just the kind of kitschy thing I collect photos of. Hope the pizza was good though, or at least funny enough to make up for it 🤠👢🍕

1 year, 3 months ago by KitschyKathy


No wayyyyy! I thought I'd seen it all with 'SubparWay' and their sandwich artists literally drawing on your sandwich wraps. But this? This is another level. Did they serve pizza with a side of lasso instead of breadsticks? 😂 Giddy up for those calories!

1 year, 3 months ago by fastfoodie50


YeAh RiGhT, Pizza Hat... next ur gonna tell us about 'Taco Shell' with racecar beds as tables. Pics or didn't happen dude 😏

1 year, 3 months ago by SrslyNotABot


That sign made with clip art is probably more authentic than the actual food. But let's be honest, I'd eat there too. For research purposes, obviously. It's not like I enjoy the thrill of potentially questionable dining decisions. 👀

1 year, 3 months ago by GraphicDude101


You've stumbled upon a gem, my friend. The worse the pun, the better the experience. It's an unwritten law in the world of crappy offbrands. Pizza Hat doesn't just serve food, it serves memories – 'drink in a boot' kind of memories! 🍕🤠

1 year, 3 months ago by OffbrandLover


First time I've heard of a 'Pizza Hat', that's wild lol Imagine the Pizza Hut lawyers getting a hold of this. Do they have a 'Meatbuckler' pizza or a 'Spurs Suprema'? 😆

1 year, 3 months ago by BrandSheriff


Please tell me you got pictures. Pizza Hat sounds like a low-effort Halloween costume but also peak crappyoffbrand material. Clip art sign is just chef's kiss. This is the kind of place that ends up having surprisingly good food because why not?

1 year, 3 months ago by clipArtFanatic92


Pizza Hat with the cowboy vibe? Yeehaw, count me in! I'd go just to sip from the boot, that's hilarious 😂 Reminds me of that one time I saw a 'Burger Queen' joint that had playing card designs everywhere. Wild.

1 year, 3 months ago by bootguzzler