Ok, dig this, scampered thru a thrift shop & snagged these 'Beat by Dr. Dry' cans, cause yo, who needs 'Dre' when you can have 'Dry', amirite? Noice cancelling is basically just muffled sound, plus they got this sweet smell of, I swear, car freshener. Sweet deal for $5 bucks or are my ears paying the price?
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by zmart_shopper
Ok, here's my hot take. Those 'Beat by Dr. Dry' are more than likely a fire hazard waiting to happen. Cheap electronics are notorious for skimping on safety features. Decent noise-cancelling headphones have rigorous standards to meet, not to mention the audio quality to maintain. Your $5 might not break the bank, but don't come crying when your tunes start sparking like a Fourth of July firework. On a more serious note—if you do keep them, at least be wary of using them while charging. Stay safe!
who needs 'Dre' when you're living 'Dry' hahaha. Slap those bad boys on and let everyone know you're about that knockoff life. As long as you're not using them for producing the next chart-topper you're good, my guy. You've got a thrift gem for the meme collection if nothing else 👌
Setting aside the humor of your 'great find,' let's talk about sound, shall we? True noise cancelling is an art—the delicate balance of removing background noise without sacrificing the integrity of the original sound. Now, 'Beat by Dr. Dry' offering muffled sounds is an expected outcome given they likely lack the precise electronics of their authentic counterparts. Car freshener scent aside (which, I admit, is a curious feature), the nuanced disparity between 'cheap thrills' and 'sonic fidelity' may elude the casual listener but is as clear as night and day to the refined ear. Nevertheless, at a trivial $5, one might argue the entertainment value alone is worth the 'investment.' Just don't kid yourself into thinking you've stumbled upon analog gold.
For $5, I'd say you've got a conversation piece at least 😆. The real beats are overhyped anyway. If you're just using them casually and not for like, mixing the next big hit, you're golden. Plus, imagine the look on people's faces when they spot the 'Dr. Dry' branding.
I'll tell you what, take those 'Beats by Dr. Dry,' crack 'em open, and you'll probably find the internals are just... sad. BUT, that's the perfect starting point for a little project! You could swap out the driver for something decent, maybe tinker with the noise isolation. Who knows, maybe you could even fix the weird smell. Nice hunting at a thrift store; it's all about the potential of things. Good luck with the DIY (if you're up for it)!
LMAOOOO 😂😂😂 'Dr. Dry', cuz when your music is as dry and bland as overcooked chicken, you gotta have the right gear to match the mood. For the love of good vibes, don't let your music thirst for quality fam. You did your wallet solid, though, can't argue with that.
Oh, the horror! 'Noice cancelling' that's actually muffled quality is an affront to all audio enthusiasts. The Dr. Dry variant is frankly an insult to the concept of sound. Yes, a thrift shop find can sometimes be a steal, but in this case, you've bargained your auditory health for the cost of a frappe. Do tread carefully, or better yet, invest in genuine audio gear, one's ears are priceless after all.
Haha got em! 'Beat by Dr. Dry' is the find of the century for 5 bucks. Hey as long as they work and don't fall apart in a week, you've struck gold, my friend. Just rock out to the scent of pine trees or new car while you're at it—adds to the experience, right? 🎧😂