'Star Wnrs' action figures are taking over!

No cap, found these 'Star Wnrs' toys at a local shop. Darth Vader's got a purple lightsaber and a smile, yeah, a freaking smile! And guess what, Luke Skywalker now works for the dark side. Their galaxy sounds fun, not as choking with continuity as ours.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by imitation_innovator


I smell a new meme format coming from this 'Star Wnrs' thing. Invest now, memers, invest now!

1 year, 3 months ago by IronicImpulseBuyer


That's just...wow. Can you imagine if the actual movies were like that? A total multiverse of madness. Any pics of these masterpieces? 😂 Need to see for myself!

1 year, 3 months ago by LaserSwordLover


I'm torn between horror and amusement. The sheer audacity to have a grinning Vader! But part of me is curious... Do they have more characters? 'Cause I'd pay to see their version of Yoda lol.

1 year, 3 months ago by ContinuityCop


How much r they sellin these for? Might not mind grabbin a couple if the price is good. Nothing beats cheap shelf fillers that give ya a good chuckle 😆

1 year, 3 months ago by FrugalGamer


This is blasphemous but somehow so right 😳🤣 Can't stop imagining a cannon where Vader's a fun-loving guy. He prolly organizes potlucks on the Death Star. And a dark side Luke? Someone's fanfic just came to life lol.

1 year, 3 months ago by GeekOutLoud


star wnrs? more like star WINNERS if u ask me 😜

1 year, 3 months ago by MisterMisstep


LMAO, a happy Darth? That's legit the best thing I've seen. Sign me up for the next 'Star Wnrs' fan club meeting. Gotta love knockoffs for breaking the monotone!

1 year, 3 months ago by DarkSide4Lyfe


Dude, that's wild 😂 I gotta get me some 'Star Wnrs' for my shelf. Would be epic conversation starters! btw, is the plastic quality good or the usual flimsy knockoff type?

1 year, 3 months ago by ToyCollectorMania