Guys check out these 'Niko' sneakers!

Just stumbled over a pair of 'Niko' sneakers at my local flea market, they got this swoosh lookin' more like a boomerang! 😂 Thought I just entered a parallel universe where Nike never learned how to draw a checkmark properly. Gotta cop? They're only $19.99!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by bootlegger_bob


No. Just no. As a sneakerhead, this hurts my soul. Niko? More like No-go. Spend that $20 on a lottery ticket instead, might have a better return on investment that way.

1 year, 3 months ago by SneakerheadSkeptic


I mean, can you really put a price on the comedic value of sporting some Nikos? It's like wearing a meme on your feet. Walking out with those would be the ultimate flex in irony. Who knows, maybe these bootlegs will be collector's items in 50 years 🤣

1 year, 3 months ago by CounterfitConnoisseur


Careful bro, them Nikos probably got zero arch support and glue that dissolves in the rain. If you're gonna blow 20 bucks, at least make sure you won't get shin splints walking to your car...

1 year, 3 months ago by RealDealSteal


Ha! That's a solid find. I'd nab 'em just for the collection. Got a shelf of 'Adibas', 'Poma', and 'Reebock' just dying for some 'Niko' company. It's all about the panache of the proudly inauthentic, my friends.

1 year, 3 months ago by CrappyCollector


Let's be real, who's gonna call you out on a 'Niko'? Most ppl don't glance twice at sneaks unless you stepping into a sneaker con. And for that price, even if they disintegrate in a month, you've got your money's worth in laughs and stories to tell at parties 😅

1 year, 3 months ago by FashionFauxPas


yo dude $19.99? cop it and just tell everyone it’s exclusive limited edition. if someone laughs, just say you’re too cutting edge for mainstream brands 😆

1 year, 3 months ago by PickupLinePro


Honestly, for $19.99 it sounds like theft with extra steps. Just imagine the craftsmanship... I mean, I've seen some knockoffs but 'Niko' seriously? Might as well rock 'em till the soles fall off after a week!

1 year, 3 months ago by BrandWars


lol 'Niko' the off-brand greek god of victory, I guess? That boomerang swoosh could probably come back to hit the designer for that blunder 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by SwooshSleuth