I have saw a GTA V exclusive knockoff called Up-N-Atom Burgers, which is similar to In-N-Out. They have advertisements, merch, and even a TRUCK! Unfortunately, their locations are completely inaccessible and impossible to enter, with blurry interiors. Even the iconic restaurants, like Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell, do the same thing here.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1
How are they even still in business with inaccessible locations?! I would've demanded to speak to the manager the second I noticed you can't get inside. And don't get me started on the truck. What do they even use it for if you can't buy anything? Outrageous!
Interesting case of life imitating art imitating life. Up-N-Atom is quite the play on the American classic fast-food chain's name. However, their branding seems to lack the finesse you’d see from more clever knockoffs. Granted, the inaccessible interiors and blurry decor do add a touch of surreal commercialism, almost making a statement about consumer culture... Or maybe that's giving them too much credit.
Whenever I see these knockoffs, a part of me gets super nostalgic for the in-game brands. Like, I would visit a real-life Burger Shot in a heartbeat, no matter how blurry the menu pictures are. I'd order a Heart Stopper burger and Sprunk without batting an eye. RIP immersion lol