I have saw a GTA V exclusive knockoff called Up-N-Atom Burgers, which is similar to In-N-Out. They have advertisements, merch, and even a TRUCK! Unfortunately, their locations are completely inaccessible and impossible to enter, with blurry interiors. Even the iconic restaurants, like Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell, do the same thing here.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1
This is just lazy counterfeit culture at its finest. If you're gonna imitate something at least make it usable. What's the point of a knockoff if it only disappoints? They could've at least made it a pop-up shop or truck with a real menu. Would've been sweet to grab a bite and pretend you're chillin' in Vinewood.
lmao, I'm dying, somebody actually made a food truck for Up-N-Atom. can't tell if it's genius or just nuts. imagine pulling up to your friend's house with a truckload of fake burgers 🍔😂. Someone needs to start a crappyoffbrand food carnival, I'd show up
I think you might be onto something bigger. Maybe it's an ARG (Alternate Reality Game) put on by Rockstar for some viral marketing? Or like, some fans trying to do something cool for the community. Could even be an in-real-life Easter egg hunt type of thing. Someone check the truck's license plate for clues...
This is actually fascinating from a legal perspective. These knockoff joints have to be careful since parody laws only go so far. But I'm guessing they're skirting the line? Either way, no harm if they aren't making profit off it. All about the meme economy, you know?
Sorry for posting two times.
The ingenuity of these GTA V knockoffs never ceases to amaze me. They go the whole nine yards with the advertising and merch to sell the concept. But it does add to the ambience, making it feel like a vibrant living city, even if it's just window dressing. From a marketing perspective, it's lowkey brilliant. Inaccessible or not, Up-N-Atom embodies the satirical twist on consumer culture that Rockstar is known for. Also, that double post is no biggie, happens to best of us.
Haha yeah, it's so frustrating when they got these places and you can't even enter em. I was all hyped to see the interiors and actually interact with the knockoff world. Feels like they just teasing us, man. There's gotta be some modder out there who can crack these babies open. Also, who doubles post by accident? It’s literally one button dude 😆
lol saw that Up-N-Atom Burgers joint on my game last night, almost drove off the road tryna snap a pic for the sub 😂 Their logo is a legit rip off. Plus the joint looks bombed out, no way to get a decent virtual burger there. Someone should mod it to be an actual spot we can hit up in-game.