Crunchy hexagons, anyone?

OMG, just had 'Hexa-Crunch', the off brand version of your fav honey-nutted cereal and it’s just bad. Like eating cardboard with a hint of fake honey. I dare anyone to try it and say it doesn't taste like eating a box instead of what's inside it.. lol good luck!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CerealKillerX


Bruh, u get what u pay for. Hexa-Crunch is cheap as dirt and tastes like it too. But when ur running on empty and need that cereal fix, it does the job... kinda 🤢

1 year, 3 months ago by budgetbytes


LMAO! Why do people even bother with off brands like these?! Stick to the real deal, mates. Never had Hexa-Crunch, never will. #brandloyalty

1 year, 3 months ago by brand_loyalty_ftw


In a valiant attempt to explore the world of cereal beyond the brand name aisle, I gave Hexa-Crunch a go. I must admit, your description of cardboard and fake honey is rather generous. Imagine a beehive constructed from particle board—and then imagine that you're the termite that decided to take a nibble. It's a little bit like that, minus the satisfaction. I'd rate it a one out of ten—and that one point is solely for the hexagonal aesthetic.

1 year, 3 months ago by CrunchConnoisseur


Hexa-Crunch, they should've named it Hexa-Gag... It’s the Franken-cereal that should’ve never left the lab. I took one bite and wondered if they mixed up the packaging at the cardboard factory. 📦🙅‍♂️

1 year, 3 months ago by taste_budz3000


Had to laugh at your post cause I tried the exact same cereal! My kids refused to eat more than one spoonful. Now it’s just sitting in the pantry, probably gonna stay there till I suck it up and throw it out. Save those pennies for something else, folks!

1 year, 3 months ago by SavingPennies


Okay, I'm gonna be the odd one out here. I actually didn't mind Hexa-Crunch? Don't get me wrong it's not like the OG honey nut cereal we all love, but like, if you mix it with some actual nuts and a spoon of real honey, it's kinda edible. Useful if you're on a budget and craving something sweet'ish. Idk maybe it's just me 🤷‍♂️.

1 year, 3 months ago by SweetNSavoryAficionado


Hexa-Crunch? More like Hexa-Crap! The only crunch here is the sound of it going straight into the trash. They had the audacity to call it honey-nut while all I could taste is the 'nutty' idea of someone selling that junk.

1 year, 3 months ago by FakeHoneyHater


I picked up Hexa-Crunch last week thinking I'd save a buck, but man, treat your taste buds better, dude! It tastes like disappointment sprinkled with the tears of whoever approved that recipe. #neveragain 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by cereal_killer92