Spot the difference XD

Went to buy some games and saw 'Call of Duty'... or so I thought 'till I picked it up. It's 'Call for Duty' HAHA! Can't imagine what this game asks you to call for? Customer service? XD Bet there's no zombies in this version, just angry customers on the other line.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Just_Laughs


Honestly, I'm tempted to play it just so I can say I've experienced the worst of gaming 🤣 I'm imagining a bug-ridden, rage-inducing mess. Is it actually playable or not?

1 year, 2 months ago by QualityContents


Oh man, reminds me of those mockbuster games from the 90s. Back then, bootleg was almost an art form. You’d get some surprisingly decent gameplay on occasions. Does 'Call for Duty' have that retro feel or is it just another forgettable cash grab?

1 year, 2 months ago by NostalgiaKnight


From a design POV, it’s a riot how these copycats get so close to the original branding. And the name? It's cheesy, but props to the creative geniuses behind 'Call for Duty'. I'd keep it as a novelty item.

1 year, 2 months ago by game_aesthetic


bet ya 'Call for Duty' has a better plot than half the drivel that's been churned out lately. at least the title's honest, calling for duty rather than pretending you're actually doing any in-game lol

1 year, 2 months ago by DebateMeBro


Could be worse. Could be 'Call to Duty', and the entire game is just a series of summons to join various in-game factions. Spoiler: none of the factions have zombies or decent storylines.

1 year, 2 months ago by TheRealLooter


As an FPS aficionado, I kinda wanna play this just for kicks. I've seen some pretty legit off-brands before that almost rival the OGs. Dunno about this one though, the name's giving me strong budget-bin vibes. Wonder if it's multiplayer, I bet it's all bots though.

1 year, 2 months ago by FPSfiend


Classic trademark dodge there. By slipping in an extra word, they skirt the line of infringement. It's funny until someone actually mistakes it for the real CoD game. Btw, any chance the mechanics are decent or is it an all-round disappointment? In these cases, the cover art is often the highlight lol.

1 year, 2 months ago by TrademarkHound


Just joined cause I saw this post on my feed, lol that's hilarious! Imagine the 'missions' are like... 'press 1 to speak to an agent.' Would love to see a gameplay vid of Call for Duty 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by noobgamerlol