Spoder-Mun Action Figurine??

Guys, you won't believe the 'Spoder-Mun' action figure I found at the dollar store. It's got six arms, one eye bigger than the other, and the costume's all neon green and pink??? Thing looks like it ate a real spider and just decided that was the look. #notmyhero

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by lookieloo22


no way, spoder-mun seems like a killer thrift find! you can't even be mad, it's so ridiculously out there that it's kinda amazing in its own right. those colors though, lmaooo like, was someone colorblind or just a genius??

1 year, 3 months ago by thrift_thrilled


Not gonna lie, that Spoder-Mun figure sounds like the perfect base for a custom project. Ever thought of fixing it up? Some paint, maybe swap an arm or two, and who knows, Spoder-Mun could become the next superhero icon in your collection. 😁🎨

1 year, 3 months ago by figurine_fixer


This is an insult to the real Spider-Man who's clearly undergone years of character development and intricate storylines. Spoder-Mun? What are these people thinking? Someone's probably laughing their way to the bank with that abomination.

1 year, 3 months ago by RealHeroFan123


As an action figure collector, I'm always on the lookout for those so-bad-it's-good kind of figures. Spoder-Mun might just take the cake. The asymmetrical eyes are pure gold - classic case of 'quality control? Never heard of her.' But man, the neon trend has hit knock-offs too? This is the stuff of legends. 😆

1 year, 3 months ago by actionjacksonfigs


Six arms sounds about right for a spider, though! Neon green and pink? Sounds like a rave party superhero lol. Gotta wonder tho, what goes on in those knock-off design meetings...

1 year, 3 months ago by def_not_a_spider


Spoder-Mun to the rescue! Watch out for his ULTRA RADIATION NEON WEB! Can't stop laughing 🤣. These knockoffs are getting out of hand. Next thing you know, Spoder-Mun teaming up with Batdude and Aqua Fellow. Someone make this a comic series plz!

1 year, 3 months ago by lolsupervillain


I swear the dollar store is where superhero dreams go to retire in style. Spoder-Mun? And here I thought Piderman was the height of creative knockoff names! I ain't even mad, that's amazing.

1 year, 3 months ago by dailydollarhunter


Yo that Spoder-Mun sounds epic for a dollar store find! Gotta love when the knock-offs go full wacky with the colors and extra limbs. Any chance you can post a pic? I collect these sorts of things and neon green and pink sounds like it could be the star of my shelf. 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by knockoff_nerd