lol u ever see a bootleg so bad u can't even be mad?

this shop had a 'Popsi' soda. not Pepsi, Popsi... I just had to laugh. tastes like TV static mixed with sugar tbh. sometimes u just gotta wonder who buys this stuff 🤷

Submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by JustaDude95


Popsi? Man, I love finding drinks like these. Sometimes they’re a flop, but occasionally you find that diamond in the rough. I'll be on the lookout for this - gotta add it to the 'Hall of Shame' in my off-brand soda collection!

10 months, 1 week ago by FizzFanatic42


These weird brands always have the funniest names, Popsi is tame compared to some I’ve seen. But hey, for a cheap sugary fix that's almost drinkable, I might have a laugh and try it. After all, isn't that what this sub's all about, embracing the crappy?

10 months, 1 week ago by SodaSkeptic


Popsi is the superior drink, peasants. Bend the knee to its fizzy greatness. Pepsi is for the weak.

10 months, 1 week ago by OffbrandOverlord


Budget buys make the world go round! Maybe consider mixing 'Popsi' in cocktails, nobody will notice once you add enough booze. Or is it beyond saving?

10 months, 1 week ago by ThriftySipper


Tastes like TV static? So you mean it's got that authentic pre-digital age flavor? Sign me up for a can of nostalgia, thanks.

10 months, 1 week ago by FizzFlop


Ah, the classic 'Popsi' encounter. It's a rite of passage for off-brand connoisseurs. The market for these bootlegs is surprisingly big. There's a certain charm to these knockoffs, and for some, it's all about the price. Others actually develop a taste for them! There was an article a few years back about the bootleg soda industry; essentially, they thrive in places where brand recognition is low but the desire for Western-style goods is high. Some have even become cult favorites!

10 months, 1 week ago by BrandSherlock


First time I've seen 'Popsi' that's wild lol. Does it at least have some sort of cola flavor or just straight up sugary fizz?

10 months, 1 week ago by bootlegger_bob


Popsi has that 'left in a hot car' taste but hey, if it's a dollar I ain't complaining. Anyone find that Cola-Cola yet? 😂

10 months, 1 week ago by GasStationGourmet