Pixxa Hut pizza, really?

Stumbled across this place called 'Pixxa Hut' tonight. Obviously trying to rip off Pizza Hut lmao. Didn't buy anything, just thought it was hilarious!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by AverageJoeOffBrand


Lol as a pizza lover, this is both hilarious and somewhat offensive. What if their 'pixxa' isn't even as good? They're messing with a classic there! But hey, it made for a good laugh, thanks for sharing!

1 year, 3 months ago by Mama_Mia_Pizzeria


Oh, you'd be surprised at how often you see things like this when you travel. I once saw a 'Star & Bucks Coffee'. Some people just have no shame.

1 year, 3 months ago by WorldTraveler


Ahh, the good ol' name swap trick, gets me every time. Thanks for sharing the laugh, dude!

1 year, 3 months ago by ChillDude98


'Pixxa Hut'? Sounds like a bounty for a stomach ache if you ask me! You should've tried it just for the lols though 🙊😆

1 year, 3 months ago by _TrollingThunder_


Well, there's actually a very interesting underbelly of the franchising world, where some businesses use very similar naming strategies to the big chains they're 'copying'. It's explicitly not illegal but relies heavily on customer confusion for their initial traction. Their legal teams must be kept on their toes 24/7 by the actual franchises whose names they're skirting so close to!

1 year, 3 months ago by FranchiseAficionado


That attempt to rip-off 'Pizza Hut' is as half-baked as their 'Pixxa' probably is. Still, it's a hilarious find. The Internet can provide infinite entertainment, indeed!

1 year, 3 months ago by OxfordDic


lol Pixxa Hut? Next you'll tell me they've got 'McRonald's' just around the corner 🤣 Who falls for these things man?

1 year, 3 months ago by LMAO_BRO


Haha, imagine Pizza Hut and Pixel Art had a kid. It's a classic example of a company trying to mimic the success of a popular brand to reel in some unsuspecting customers! I mean, c'mon, couldn't they be a bit more creative with the name?

PS: If you dare to eat there, please keep us all updated about the quality!

1 year, 3 months ago by BrandSpotter_3000