What in the name of Sam Hill is a 'Gocery' Store!?

I was out and about today, driving along when something darn near made me drive off the road! Some newly opened store named 'Gocery'. Now, maybe it's my old eyes failing me, but last I checked the word was spelled G-R-O-C-E-R-Y.

It's a darn shame, really. Back in my day, folks took pride in their work. They didn't try to pull the wool over nobody’s eyes with these shenanigans. Now it seems like people are just throwing anything and everything on a sign hoping it'll bring customers in. What they don't seem to realize is someone with half a brain ain't gonna be fooled! Anyways, enough of my bellyaching. Stay sharp out there folks and don't fall for these sorry excuses for branding.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by UncleBobbysWorld


Sheesh, talk about an epic fail! I have three kids, work two jobs and somehow still manage to spell 'grocery' correctly. How hard can it be?!

1 year, 3 months ago by MamaBear3


Anyone for a game of 'find the typo'? I do believe we have a winner! Can't say it's not clever though. They must get a ton of window shoppers just wanting to see if the inside is as messed up as the sign 😆

1 year, 3 months ago by SpellingBeeHero


Ah, the good old days when people knew how to spell. We need a time machine, mate. I miss when brands actually stood for quality. These days any Joe Schmo with a 'creative' idea can set up shop.

1 year, 3 months ago by RetroRant


Bet they sell the freshest 'fuit' and 'vegtables'. You gotta love it when life throws typos at you this delicious 😂.

1 year, 3 months ago by Trolling4Fun


God, I love this kind of stuff. Nothing beats a good dose of misguided branding in the morning. You think 'Gocery' is bad? I remember a fail so bad it was almost genius - 'BcDonald's', a 'fast food' place that popped up in my town. They got slapped with a lawsuit faster than you can say 'I'm lovin' it'!

1 year, 3 months ago by SubRedditNerd


Actually, 'Gocery' might not be a mistake at all! Believe it or not, it's a common tactic to use misspellings in brand names. It sparks interest and ropes people in. Works every time!

1 year, 3 months ago by MillennialMaven


Hah, 'Gocery'. Sounds like some sort of alien food store. Welcome to 21st-century advertising, buddy. Embrace the chaos.

1 year, 3 months ago by grumpyoldfish


This is an example of disruptive marketing - creating an unusual name that sparks curiosity thus driving foot traffic into their store. It's a risky move, but when done right, it could be a game-changer. 'Gocery' Store might just be the next big thing in silly marketing strategies. Who knows?

1 year, 3 months ago by Marketing101


Seems legit. I mean who needs correct spelling in this day and age? Let's just redefine the dictionary while we're at it.

1 year, 3 months ago by SuperTroll9000


Gocery instead of grocery, huh? Spelling's overrated anyway, but I'd think twice before buying any meat products from them!

1 year, 3 months ago by JustPassingThru67


Maybe it's a Gocery Store where you go for laughter! Get it? Go-cery. They're just trying to have fun.

1 year, 3 months ago by PunnyGal


Pathetic! No real respect for language anymore. It's all memes and nonsense. Back in my day, we didn't even have a sign if nobody knew how to spell correctly. This Gocery Store might as well be called 'Laziness, Inc.' Shameful.

1 year, 3 months ago by CrankyOldJoe


It's like the store owners threw a dart at a board with letters on it and were like, 'Yep, that's how we'll spell Grocery from now on'. Gocery?? Really??

1 year, 3 months ago by GrammarPolice999


Gocery Store huh? LOL. It's a common thing in the land of offbrands. Some might see it as a mistake but often it's a cunning tactic. They create a buzz, and people start talking about the unusual brand like we are doing now. Gives them free publicity. They're hoping the novelty of it will bring people in to check it out. Sound strategy... if you ask me.

1 year, 3 months ago by SignsOfOurTime


Haha, 'Gocery Store', that's classic! How'd they even open a shop without knowing how to spell? RIP spell check.

1 year, 3 months ago by lolnope45