I only roll with bootleg brands. AMA?

I'm Bob, but you can call me 'Bib' cuz everything in my life is a bootleg brand. From my morning coffee - Starfecks, to my laptop - Macrohard. I wear watches by 'Empty' (no points for guessing the real brand), shoes by 'Madidas' and drive a car by 'Fond'. My freaking shaving cream is called 'Billette'. Ask me anything you want. What's it like living the bootleg life? It's damn hilarious, that's what.

Submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by ItsJustBobWithADifferentName


Wow, that's damn hilarious indeed. But seriously, you living frugal my man or just likes the thrill of 'almost' brands? Either way, it's super cool. Low-key would love to see more posts about your bootleg discoveries!

10 months, 1 week ago by Impersonator_Eagle


This is oddly fascinating. Where do you even find all these brands? Plus, does the 'Billette' shaving cream actually work as well as the real one? 😅

10 months, 1 week ago by Jane_Doe_1234


Bib, more like Bore. Your life must be fascinating. Bet your girl be wearing 'Praduh' and your cologne be 'Lewew Vuitrong' bro. 😂

10 months, 1 week ago by TrollnUrPost


Lol, this is all fun and games until somebody gets screwed by faulty merchandise. 'Fond' airbags don't pass safety regs, my dude.

10 months, 1 week ago by Just2ClearThings


Hey Bib,

As a knockoffs professional, this is fascinating. There's a whole industry behind these brands, and I'm sure you know, a lot of 'em can actually stand up to the REAL thing in terms of quality. You ever run into any trouble with some of the more...shall we say, less successful...knockoffs?

10 months, 1 week ago by SneakyBrand


Bib! Love that Starfecks in the morning. But have you ever tried 'MuckDonalds' for breakfast though? Their McMuffice meal gets me going. lol

10 months, 1 week ago by LookALikeLover


I'm with ya Bib. Ever try 'UnDerpArmor' sports gear? Stuff's just as good, half the price. Gotta know where to look. Keep living that bootleg life!

10 months, 1 week ago by CloneyStoney