I've been tracking and analyzing copycat brands for about a decade now. The mixture of audacity, creativity and hilarity in producing these offbrands is genuinely intriguing. I'll give you an example. Remember our good old brand Pepsi? Well, there exists an Iranian version aka 'Parsee.'
Yes, it sounds like Parsi, as in the Zoroastrian community. And it told quite a tale. Released at the height of sanctions over Iran, you can tell they didn't want to let go of their 'Pepsi' experience. Hence, 'Parsee'. In look and feel, it's pretty accurately Pepsi with red, blue, white thematic color waves across the can, and the drink is pretty sweet too (not as carbonated as Pepsi, I would say).
I've got a bunch of these doppelgängers with me. It's a passion and a little hobby. To anyone reading this, if you've got any such offbrands in your town, do share. Would love to extend my collection and laugh my booty off. 😂
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DickTracyLovesRebrands
Traveling around, I've stumbled upon more of these than I can remember! Once when I was in Thailand, I saw something called 'Stars & Bucks' and yes....it was a coffee shop! Also, I'm pretty sure I saw some 'Johnnie Worker Red Labial' whisky in China. Gotta love these bold copycats 😅
So funny! I've actually never paid much attention to these offbrands until now. I'll certainly start noticing now! By the way, in my town, we have a Popsi instead of a Pepsi. It tastes almost the same as Pepsi, just a little more sugar if you ask me.
A decade of tracking offbrands, huh? Impressive! I once found a 'coffe-taste coca' brand in a local convenience store during my trip to Vietnam. Although it wasn't much like the real Coca Cola, it really did have a hint of coffee. Added it to my collection instantly. Keep collecting, my friend. The world of offbrands is endless.